stages: - test - build variables: GIT_DEPTH: '3' SIMPLECOV: 'true' RUST_BACKTRACE: '1' RUSTFLAGS: '' CARGOFLAGS: '' cache: key: '${CI_JOB_NAME}' paths: - node_modules/ - packages/*/node_modules/ .branches: &branches only: - beta - tags - stable - triggers - master linux-test: stage: test image: node:12 script: - curl -o- -L | bash - export PATH=$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH - yarn install - yarn test tags: - linux-docker linux-build: stage: build image: node:12 <<: *branches script: - curl -o- -L | bash - export PATH=$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH - yarn install - yarn build - yarn release --linux tags: - linux-docker artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.AppImage' - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.tar.xz' - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.snap' - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.deb' osx-build: stage: build <<: *branches script: - curl -o- -L | bash - export PATH=$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH - yarn install - yarn build - yarn release --mac tags: - darwin-shell artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.dmg' - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.zip' win-build: stage: build image: electronuserland/builder:wine <<: *branches script: # Remove the two next lines once the Docker image gets updated to node 12 # - npm install -g n - n stable - yarn install - yarn build # `win-build` is a linux machine, so it downloaded a linux parity-ethereum. # We download a windows one to make it cross-compile for windows. - rm packages/fether-electron/static/parity* && yarn fetch-parity --win - yarn release --win tags: - linux-docker artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - 'packages/fether-electron/dist/*.exe'