import { RawTokenJSON, ValidatedTokenJSON, NormalizedTokenJSON } from './types/TokensJson'; import { Token } from './types/Token'; interface StrIdx { [key: string]: T; } function processTokenJson(tokensJson: RawTokenJSON[]): Token[] { const normalizedTokens = tokensJson .map(validateTokenJSON) .map(normalizeTokenJSON); checkForDuplicateAddresses(normalizedTokens); return handleDuplicateSymbols(normalizedTokens); } function validateTokenJSON(token: RawTokenJSON): ValidatedTokenJSON { const isValid = (t: RawTokenJSON): t is ValidatedTokenJSON => !!(t.address && (t.decimals || t.decimals === 0) && && t.symbol); if (isValid(token)) { return token; } throw Error(`Token failed validation, missing part of schema Symbol: ${token.symbol} Name: ${} Address: ${token.address} Decimals: ${token.decimals}`); } function normalizeTokenJSON(token: ValidatedTokenJSON): NormalizedTokenJSON { const { address, decimals, symbol, name, logo: { src } } = token; const t: NormalizedTokenJSON = { address, symbol, decimal: +decimals, name }; if (src) { t.logo = src; } return t; } /** * * @description Checks for any duplicated addresses and halts the program if so * @param {NormalizedTokenJSON[]} tokens */ function checkForDuplicateAddresses(tokens: NormalizedTokenJSON[]) { const map: StrIdx = {}; const errors: string[] = []; for (const token of tokens) { const { address } = token; // We might want to strip hex prefixes here, and make all characters lowercase if (map[address]) { errors.push( `Token ${token.symbol} has a duplicate address of ${token.address}` ); } map[address] = true; } if (errors.length) { const err = errors.join('\n'); throw Error(err); } } /** * * @description Finds any duplicated names in the fetched token json * @param {NormalizedTokenJSON[]} tokens * @returns */ function getDuplicatedNames(tokens: NormalizedTokenJSON[]) { const checkedNames: StrIdx = {}; const duplicatedNames: StrIdx = {}; for (const token of tokens) { const { name } = token; if (checkedNames[name]) { duplicatedNames[name] = true; } checkedNames[name] = true; } return duplicatedNames; } /** * * @description Handles any tokens with duplicated symbols by placing them in a map with each value being a bucket * of other tokens with the same symbol, then renaming them appropriately so they do not conflict anymore * @param {NormalizedTokenJSON[]} tokens * @returns */ function handleDuplicateSymbols(tokens: NormalizedTokenJSON[]) { // start by building a map of symbols => tokens const map = new Map(); for (const token of tokens) { const { symbol } = token; const v = map.get(symbol); if (v) { map.set(symbol, [...v, token]); } else { map.set(symbol, [token]); } } const duplicatedNames = getDuplicatedNames(tokens); const dedupedTokens: NormalizedTokenJSON[] = []; map.forEach(tokenBucket => dedupedTokens.push(...renameSymbolCollisions(tokenBucket, duplicatedNames)) ); return dedupedTokens; } /** * * @description Any token collisions are handled in this manner: * 1) If the name isnt a duplicate, the token symbol is prefixed with the token name * 2) if it is a duplicate, then we simply use the token index + 1 (so we dont start at 0) * @param {NormalizedTokenJSON[]} tokens * @param {StrIdx} duplicatedNames * @returns */ function renameSymbolCollisions( tokens: NormalizedTokenJSON[], duplicatedNames: StrIdx ) { const renamedTokens: NormalizedTokenJSON[] = []; if (tokens.length === 1) { return tokens; } return tokens.reduce((prev, curr, idx) => { const newName = `${curr.symbol} (${duplicatedNames[] ? idx + 1 :})`; const tokenToInsert: NormalizedTokenJSON = { ...curr, symbol: newName }; console.warn( `WARN: "${curr.symbol}" has a duplicate symbol, renaming to "${newName}"` ); return [...prev, tokenToInsert]; }, renamedTokens); } module.exports = { processTokenJson };