// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import Pino from '../utils/pino'; const pino = Pino(); function setupWin32Listeners (fetherApp) { const { moveWindowUp, onWindowClose, processSaveWinPosition, showTrayBalloon, win } = fetherApp; if (process.platform === 'win32') { /** * Hook WM_SYSKEYUP * * Open the Fether Electron menu when the Fether window is active * and the user enters a keyboard ALT key or both ALT and another key together. * Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/desktop/inputdev/wm-syskeyup */ win.hookWindowMessage(Number.parseInt('0x0105'), (wParam, lParam) => { /** * Detect when user presses ALT+keyCode. * i.e. Use `wParam && wParam.readUInt32LE(0) === 77` to detect ALT+m. * Reference: https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html */ if (wParam) { pino.info('Detected ALT key pressed'); // showTrayBalloon(fetherApp); } }); /** * Hook WM_SYSCOMMAND * * Detect events on Windows * Credit: http://robmayhew.com/listening-for-events-from-windows-in-electron-tutorial/ */ win.hookWindowMessage(Number.parseInt('0x0112'), (wParam, lParam) => { let eventName = null; if (wParam.readUInt32LE(0) === 0xf060) { // SC_CLOSE eventName = 'close'; onWindowClose(fetherApp); } else if (wParam.readUInt32LE(0) === 0xf030) { // SC_MAXIMIZE eventName = 'maximize'; showTrayBalloon(fetherApp); } else if (wParam.readUInt32LE(0) === 0xf020) { // SC_MINIMIZE eventName = 'minimize'; processSaveWinPosition(fetherApp); } else if (wParam.readUInt32LE(0) === 0xf120) { // SC_RESTORE eventName = 'restored'; showTrayBalloon(fetherApp); } if (eventName !== null) { pino.info('Detected event:', eventName); } }); /** * Hook WM_EXITSIZEMOVE * * Detect event on Windows when Fether window was moved or resized */ win.hookWindowMessage(Number.parseInt('0x0232'), (wParam, lParam) => { pino.info('Detected completion of move or resize event'); // Move Fether window back up into view if it was a resize event // that causes the bottom to be cropped moveWindowUp(fetherApp); // Try again after a delay incase Fether window resize occurs // x seconds after navigating to a new page. setTimeout(() => { moveWindowUp(fetherApp); }, 5000); // Save Fether window position to Electron settings processSaveWinPosition(fetherApp); }); } } export default setupWin32Listeners;