1. Jan 13, 2019
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
      feat: Relates to #158. Add styled-components UI library. See commit details. · ba1664e8
      Luke Schoen authored
      * Add styled-components dependency to start introducing it to components instead of Sass
      * Wrap App.js with styled-components ThemeProvider and inject `fetherTheme` prop colours so they are available to child components.
      * Added styled-components' GlobalStyle https://www.styled-components.com/docs/faqs boilerplate as child of ThemeProvider so global styles may be defined here
      * Replace assets/sass/layouts/_wrapper.scss with styled-components including:
        * DivContent is declared in App.js since it is only used here
        * DivWindow is declared in App.js since it is only used here
        * DivWindowContent is declared in shared folder since used by different components
      * Removed assets/sass/layouts/_wrapper.scss. Noting that `.connector` class is not used
      * Use styled-components in TxForm and TxDetails components (that were introduced in PR #307).
      * Add a style.js file in the same directory of the component where styled-components are used
      * Add styled-components theme animations folder with a SlideInLeft animation and introduce a theme to TxDetails
      * Add keyframes animation to TxDetails component (i.e. slide-in animation that's used in the details section that appears when you click Details/Hide button on the Send Ether/THIBCoin page)
      * Fix `faint` style implementation to use `rgba` with styled-components
      * Note that I decided not to use defaultProps feature of styled-components as it bloats the code too much
      * Note that currently we are using Sass _variables.scss for colour variables, and since many components still use some of the Sass variables we cannot remove them yet.
      * Note that the original branch where this work was done is https://github.com/paritytech/fether/compare/luke-293-show-tx-fee-styled-components?expand=1, but since multiple PRs have since been merged it was easier to just code again using it as reference
      * Disadvantage of styled-components appears to be when you go to debug components in Dev Tools > Elements. The classNames appear as a hash `<div class="sc-EHOje dGUdfn">` instead of the classname!!
  2. Jan 01, 2019
  3. Jul 05, 2018
  4. Jun 25, 2018
  5. Jun 22, 2018
  6. Jun 21, 2018
  7. Jun 20, 2018
  8. Jun 07, 2018
  9. May 04, 2018