1. Feb 07, 2019
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
      review-fix: Re-word to say no node connected · 4478cbf0
      Luke Schoen authored
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
      refactor: Replace STATUS symbols with status object. Rename health states · 0028f1ce
      Luke Schoen authored
      * Change health states to node-internet, node, and sync
      * Change from using STATUS symbol states to using a status object that contains the different states with their status
      * Show chain name and percentage in modals too
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
      fix: Add connected-offline state. Wrap individual components with RequireHealthOverlay · f7e110be
      Luke Schoen authored
      Summary of actions performed:
      * App.js routes
      	* AccountsList
      		* New functionality - `<RequireHealthOverlay require='connected-offline'>`
      			* Note: we need to be connected even for the AccountsList page since most accounts actually come from parity-ethereum (as pointed out by @amaurymartiny). New functionality (@amaurymartiny proposal) uses additional 'connected-offline' state so if we are connected to the node but not to the internet we can show the AccountsList page
      	* Accounts (token list page)
      		* Retain existing functionality - `<RequireHealthOverlay require='sync'>`
      	* Create Account / Import Account
      		* New functionality - `<RequireHealthOverlay require='connected-offline'>`
      	* Backup Account
      		* New functionality - `<RequireHealthOverlay require='connected-offline'>`
      	* Onboarding
      		* New functionality - no overlay since not wrapping App.js
      	* Search tokens (Whitelist)
      		* Retain existing functionality - `<RequireHealthOverlay require='sync'>`
      * Send.js routes
      	* TxForm, Unlock, TxQrCode, ScanSignedTx, SignedTxSummary
      		* Retain existing functionality - `<RequireHealthOverlay require='sync'>`
      	* Sent
      		* Retain existing functionality by wrapping the individual component instead of App.js with: `<RequireHealthOverlay require='connected' fullscreen>`
      * Note: `RequireHealthOverlay` has two states:
      		* `require='connected-offline` no alert/overlay when user connected to a local node but not connected to the internet
      		* `require='connected'` shows full screen alert when the user is not connected to the node and and not connected to the internet
      		* `require='sync'` shows when the user is not sync
      * Note: Only the Sent component has a fullscreen overlay
      * Note: This wraps everything related to eth/token/balance/transfer with `require='sync'`
      * Note: We are not wrapping App.js anymore since when using both `<RequireHealthOverlay require='connected' fullscreen>` in addition to wrapping other components such as Accounts.js with `<RequireHealthOverlay require='connected-offline'>` doesn't allow it. Instead just wrap individual components
  2. Jan 18, 2019
  3. Jan 15, 2019
  4. Jan 14, 2019
  5. Jan 12, 2019
  6. Jan 11, 2019
  7. Jan 03, 2019
  8. Dec 11, 2018
  9. Nov 24, 2018
  10. Nov 20, 2018
  11. Nov 19, 2018
  12. Nov 09, 2018
  13. Nov 08, 2018