• Luke Schoen's avatar
    fix: Relates to #124. Security (#451) · d0ae2071
    Luke Schoen authored
    * feat: Security aspects for fether-electron. See #124
    * feat: Add Source Maps support
    * docs: Add Source Maps guide to Readme
    * feat: Add webpack-build-notifier add-on with custom Webpack config
    * fix: Remove duplicate dependency
    * WIP
    * WIP
    * review-fix: Configure CSP depending on NODE_ENV
    * fix: Fix worker-src for the camera in production
    * review-fix: Remove unnecessary config of source maps dependency
    * Use preload script as buffer between main and renderer processes (#463)
    * fix: Remove is-electron since now using preload script
    * fix: Remove old preload script
    * fix: Do not expose electron, remote, or require to web app
    * fix: Add newline
    * feat: Single Fether instance lock
    * fix: Move preload to static folder so works with binary
    * review-fix: Remove fix for webview since not used. Add comment incase used in future. Fix other event handling code
    * review-fix: Add optional opt-in to using Webpack notifier plugin by running with NOTIFIER=true yarn start
    * review-fix: Use pino.debug instead of console.log
    * review-fix: Add worker-src blob to CSP in development for webcam
    * review-fix: Update handling of untrusted urls and sessions and certificates
    * review-fix: Convert to WSS. Move CSP into array like in Parity-JS Shell. Update CSP
    * review-fix: Update CSP to avoid duplication
    * review-fix: Remove from new-window event listener that which applies to additional new BrowserWindows since not applicable
    * review-fix: Combined pino logs
    * review-fix: Change to parsedUrl.href instead of origin. Fix trusted urls for dev
    * fix: Remote https in prod
    * review-fix: Move WebpackBuildNotifier images so not in binary. Fix ico file
    * fix: Remove console.logs
    * refactor: Cleanup so can merge. Extract for inclusion in separate PR
    * review-fix: Remove debugging notes since better in wiki
    * review-fix: Remove other lines due to move to wiki
    * fix comment
    * review-fix: Remove setPermissionRequestHandler since not know if need. Move to https://hackmd.io/O1FA34BuSNyJoPV1Cu3L0A
    * review-fix: Move CSP debugging into onHeadersReceived
    * review-fix: Fix isParityRunningStatus
    * review-fix: Replace parse-url with Node.js url parser
    * review-fix: Remove parse-url from dependencies
    * fix: Fix logic in setCertificateVerifyProc
    * WIP
    * review-fix: Dynamically add WS port from CLI to trusted
    * review-fix: Update comments with security warnings
    * merge latest from master and fix conflicts
    * chore: Remove useless console.log
    * misc: See commit details
    * Remove --ws-origins from CLI, hard-code instead
    * Remove --ws-interface from CLI, hard-code instead
    * Ignore --ws-interface and --ws-origins flags in CLI
    * Add hard-coded default trusted WS interface to window.bridge
    * Add default WS port to window.bridge
    * WIP - start implementing isDev. See FIXME for future work required
    * review-fix: Use appIsPackaged instead of NODE_ENV
    * fix: Add IS_PROD to constants and assign appIsPackaged to it. Expose it to frontend so no longer use NODE_ENV
    * feat: Add wiki Fether FAQ to trusted urls since required by PR #482
    * fix: Fix untrusted blockscout.com error in setCertificateVerifyProc
    * review-fix: fix blocked image hosting and external blockscout urls
    * review-fix: trust github token icons
    * review-fix: Rename network to fetherNetwork so custom config avoids naming conflict
    * review-fix: Remove duplicate pino.debug for CSP
    * review-fix: Remove WsSecure until wss and certificates implemented
    * review-fix: Update config to show Electron security warnings in all environments
    * review-fix: Remove use of wsInterface
    * refactor: Refactor tests inside describe blocks
    * tests: Add chrome dev tools to tests for trusted urls
    * review-fix: Use NODE_ENV and Electron app.isPackaged
    * fix: Rebuild yarn.lock
    * fix: Fix linting to arg passed to correct script
    * review-fix: Remove ws-origins flag and trusted ws origins
    * test: Fix failing test
    * review-fix: Remove package-lock.json
    * fix: Use NODE_ENV consistently instead of process.defaultApp
    * fix: Change to hash instead of transactionHash for blockscout