• Luke Schoen's avatar
    feat: Relates to #402. Internationalisation. Base Support (#452) · 649d6bf0
    Luke Schoen authored
    * chore: Update to latest React 16.8.3 to requirements of react-i18next
    * feat: Scaffold basic translation with English and German
    * feat: Relates to #402. German translation fully working
    * fix: Switch back to English by default
    * fix: Allow user to switch between languages in preferences of context menu
    * feat: Translate the context menus
    * refactor: Remove German language. Add as separate PR
    * refactor: Remove blank line
    * docs: Update Readme with Internationalisation Add New language instructions
    * docs: Update Readme with Known Issues and Usage instructions
    * review-fix: Disabled tooltip Please fill out this field. Add High and Low tx speed
    * review-fix: Update license headers to be 2019 instead of 2018
    * review-fix: Change ns1 to fether-electron and fether-react. Use pino.debug
    * fix: Add missing i18n conversion for macOS Edit menu
    * review-fix: Remove unused i18next browser languagedetector dependency
    * merge latest from master and fix conflicts
    * merge latest master and fix conflicts. TODO do not expose remote
    * fix: Do not expose remote. Only expose add and remove listener, and reload via bridge
    * feat: Convert new release available text to i18n
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