// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use std::collections::{HashSet, BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque}; use std::fmt; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; // util use hash::keccak; use bytes::Bytes; use itertools::Itertools; use journaldb; use trie::{TrieSpec, TrieFactory, Trie}; use kvdb::{DBValue, KeyValueDB, DBTransaction}; use util_error::UtilError; // other use ethereum_types::{H256, Address, U256}; use block::{IsBlock, LockedBlock, Drain, ClosedBlock, OpenBlock, enact_verified, SealedBlock}; use blockchain::{BlockChain, BlockProvider, TreeRoute, ImportRoute, TransactionAddress, ExtrasInsert}; use client::ancient_import::AncientVerifier; use client::Error as ClientError; use client::{ Nonce, Balance, ChainInfo, BlockInfo, CallContract, TransactionInfo, RegistryInfo, ReopenBlock, PrepareOpenBlock, ScheduleInfo, ImportSealedBlock, BroadcastProposalBlock, ImportBlock, StateOrBlock, StateInfo, StateClient, Call, AccountData, BlockChain as BlockChainTrait, BlockProducer, SealedBlockImporter, ClientIoMessage }; use client::{ BlockId, TransactionId, UncleId, TraceId, ClientConfig, BlockChainClient, TraceFilter, CallAnalytics, BlockImportError, Mode, ChainNotify, ChainRoute, PruningInfo, ProvingBlockChainClient, EngineInfo, ChainMessageType, IoClient, }; use encoded; use engines::{EthEngine, EpochTransition, ForkChoice}; use error::{ImportErrorKind, BlockImportErrorKind, ExecutionError, CallError, BlockError, ImportResult, Error as EthcoreError}; use vm::{EnvInfo, LastHashes}; use evm::Schedule; use executive::{Executive, Executed, TransactOptions, contract_address}; use factory::{Factories, VmFactory}; use header::{BlockNumber, Header, ExtendedHeader}; use io::{IoChannel, IoError}; use log_entry::LocalizedLogEntry; use miner::{Miner, MinerService}; use ethcore_miner::pool::VerifiedTransaction; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use rand::OsRng; use receipt::{Receipt, LocalizedReceipt}; use snapshot::{self, io as snapshot_io}; use spec::Spec; use state_db::StateDB; use state::{self, State}; use trace; use trace::{TraceDB, ImportRequest as TraceImportRequest, LocalizedTrace, Database as TraceDatabase}; use transaction::{self, LocalizedTransaction, UnverifiedTransaction, SignedTransaction, Transaction, Action}; use types::filter::Filter; use types::mode::Mode as IpcMode; use types::ancestry_action::AncestryAction; use verification; use verification::{PreverifiedBlock, Verifier}; use verification::queue::BlockQueue; use views::BlockView; use parity_machine::{Finalizable, WithMetadata}; // re-export pub use types::blockchain_info::BlockChainInfo; pub use types::block_status::BlockStatus; pub use blockchain::CacheSize as BlockChainCacheSize; pub use verification::queue::QueueInfo as BlockQueueInfo; use_contract!(registry, "Registry", "res/contracts/registrar.json"); const MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE: usize = 4096; const MAX_ANCIENT_BLOCKS_QUEUE_SIZE: usize = 4096; const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_SLEEP_ON: usize = 2; const MIN_HISTORY_SIZE: u64 = 8; /// Report on the status of a client. #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ClientReport { /// How many blocks have been imported so far. pub blocks_imported: usize, /// How many transactions have been applied so far. pub transactions_applied: usize, /// How much gas has been processed so far. pub gas_processed: U256, /// Memory used by state DB pub state_db_mem: usize, } impl ClientReport { /// Alter internal reporting to reflect the additional `block` has been processed. pub fn accrue_block(&mut self, header: &Header, transactions: usize) { self.blocks_imported += 1; self.transactions_applied += transactions; self.gas_processed = self.gas_processed + *header.gas_used(); } } impl<'a> ::std::ops::Sub<&'a ClientReport> for ClientReport { type Output = Self; fn sub(mut self, other: &'a ClientReport) -> Self { let higher_mem = ::std::cmp::max(self.state_db_mem, other.state_db_mem); let lower_mem = ::std::cmp::min(self.state_db_mem, other.state_db_mem); self.blocks_imported -= other.blocks_imported; self.transactions_applied -= other.transactions_applied; self.gas_processed = self.gas_processed - other.gas_processed; self.state_db_mem = higher_mem - lower_mem; self } } struct SleepState { last_activity: Option, last_autosleep: Option, } impl SleepState { fn new(awake: bool) -> Self { SleepState { last_activity: match awake { false => None, true => Some(Instant::now()) }, last_autosleep: match awake { false => Some(Instant::now()), true => None }, } } } struct Importer { /// Lock used during block import pub import_lock: Mutex<()>, // FIXME Maybe wrap the whole `Importer` instead? /// Used to verify blocks pub verifier: Box>, /// Queue containing pending blocks pub block_queue: BlockQueue, /// Handles block sealing pub miner: Arc, /// Ancient block verifier: import an ancient sequence of blocks in order from a starting epoch pub ancient_verifier: AncientVerifier, /// Ethereum engine to be used during import pub engine: Arc, } /// Blockchain database client backed by a persistent database. Owns and manages a blockchain and a block queue. /// Call `import_block()` to import a block asynchronously; `flush_queue()` flushes the queue. pub struct Client { /// Flag used to disable the client forever. Not to be confused with `liveness`. /// /// For example, auto-updater will disable client forever if there is a /// hard fork registered on-chain that we don't have capability for. /// When hard fork block rolls around, the client (if `update` is false) /// knows it can't proceed further. enabled: AtomicBool, /// Operating mode for the client mode: Mutex, chain: RwLock>, tracedb: RwLock>, engine: Arc, /// Client configuration config: ClientConfig, /// Database pruning strategy to use for StateDB pruning: journaldb::Algorithm, /// Client uses this to store blocks, traces, etc. db: RwLock>, state_db: RwLock, /// Report on the status of client report: RwLock, sleep_state: Mutex, /// Flag changed by `sleep` and `wake_up` methods. Not to be confused with `enabled`. liveness: AtomicBool, io_channel: Mutex>, /// List of actors to be notified on certain chain events notify: RwLock>>, /// Queued transactions from IO queue_transactions: IoChannelQueue, /// Ancient blocks import queue queue_ancient_blocks: IoChannelQueue, /// Consensus messages import queue queue_consensus_message: IoChannelQueue, last_hashes: RwLock>, factories: Factories, /// Number of eras kept in a journal before they are pruned history: u64, /// An action to be done if a mode/spec_name change happens on_user_defaults_change: Mutex) + 'static + Send>>>, /// Link to a registry object useful for looking up names registrar: registry::Registry, registrar_address: Option
, /// A closure to call when we want to restart the client exit_handler: Mutex>>, importer: Importer, } impl Importer { pub fn new( config: &ClientConfig, engine: Arc, message_channel: IoChannel, miner: Arc, ) -> Result { let block_queue = BlockQueue::new(config.queue.clone(), engine.clone(), message_channel.clone(), config.verifier_type.verifying_seal()); Ok(Importer { import_lock: Mutex::new(()), verifier: verification::new(config.verifier_type.clone()), block_queue, miner, ancient_verifier: AncientVerifier::new(engine.clone()), engine, }) } /// This is triggered by a message coming from a block queue when the block is ready for insertion pub fn import_verified_blocks(&self, client: &Client) -> usize { // Shortcut out if we know we're incapable of syncing the chain. if !client.enabled.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) { return 0; } let max_blocks_to_import = 4; let (imported_blocks, import_results, invalid_blocks, imported, proposed_blocks, duration, is_empty) = { let mut imported_blocks = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import); let mut invalid_blocks = HashSet::new(); let mut proposed_blocks = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import); let mut import_results = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import); let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock(); let blocks = self.block_queue.drain(max_blocks_to_import); if blocks.is_empty() { return 0; } trace_time!("import_verified_blocks"); let start = Instant::now(); for block in blocks { let header = block.header.clone(); let bytes = block.bytes.clone(); let hash = header.hash(); let is_invalid = invalid_blocks.contains(header.parent_hash()); if is_invalid { invalid_blocks.insert(hash); continue; } if let Ok(closed_block) = self.check_and_close_block(block, client) { if self.engine.is_proposal(&header) { self.block_queue.mark_as_good(&[hash]); proposed_blocks.push(bytes); } else { imported_blocks.push(hash); let transactions_len = closed_block.transactions().len(); let route = self.commit_block(closed_block, &header, &bytes, client); import_results.push(route); client.report.write().accrue_block(&header, transactions_len); } } else { invalid_blocks.insert(header.hash()); } } let imported = imported_blocks.len(); let invalid_blocks = invalid_blocks.into_iter().collect::>(); if !invalid_blocks.is_empty() { self.block_queue.mark_as_bad(&invalid_blocks); } let is_empty = self.block_queue.mark_as_good(&imported_blocks); (imported_blocks, import_results, invalid_blocks, imported, proposed_blocks, start.elapsed(), is_empty) }; { if !imported_blocks.is_empty() && is_empty { let route = ChainRoute::from(import_results.as_ref()); if is_empty { self.miner.chain_new_blocks(client, &imported_blocks, &invalid_blocks, route.enacted(), route.retracted(), false); } client.notify(|notify| { notify.new_blocks( imported_blocks.clone(), invalid_blocks.clone(), route.clone(), Vec::new(), proposed_blocks.clone(), duration, ); }); } } client.db.read().flush().expect("DB flush failed."); imported } fn check_and_close_block(&self, block: PreverifiedBlock, client: &Client) -> Result { let engine = &*self.engine; let header = block.header.clone(); // Check the block isn't so old we won't be able to enact it. let best_block_number = client.chain.read().best_block_number(); if client.pruning_info().earliest_state > header.number() { warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({})\nBlock is ancient (current best block: #{}).", header.number(), header.hash(), best_block_number); return Err(()); } // Check if parent is in chain let parent = match client.block_header_decoded(BlockId::Hash(*header.parent_hash())) { Some(h) => h, None => { warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({}): Parent not found ({}) ", header.number(), header.hash(), header.parent_hash()); return Err(()); } }; let chain = client.chain.read(); // Verify Block Family let verify_family_result = self.verifier.verify_block_family( &header, &parent, engine, Some(verification::FullFamilyParams { block_bytes: &block.bytes, transactions: &block.transactions, block_provider: &**chain, client }), ); if let Err(e) = verify_family_result { warn!(target: "client", "Stage 3 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e); return Err(()); }; let verify_external_result = self.verifier.verify_block_external(&header, engine); if let Err(e) = verify_external_result { warn!(target: "client", "Stage 4 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e); return Err(()); }; // Enact Verified Block let last_hashes = client.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()); let db = client.state_db.read().boxed_clone_canon(header.parent_hash()); let is_epoch_begin = chain.epoch_transition(parent.number(), *header.parent_hash()).is_some(); let enact_result = enact_verified( block, engine, client.tracedb.read().tracing_enabled(), db, &parent, last_hashes, client.factories.clone(), is_epoch_begin, &mut chain.ancestry_with_metadata_iter(*header.parent_hash()), ); let mut locked_block = enact_result.map_err(|e| { warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e); })?; // Strip receipts for blocks before validate_receipts_transition, // if the expected receipts root header does not match. // (i.e. allow inconsistency in receipts outcome before the transition block) if header.number() < engine.params().validate_receipts_transition && header.receipts_root() != locked_block.block().header().receipts_root() { locked_block.strip_receipts_outcomes(); } // Final Verification if let Err(e) = self.verifier.verify_block_final(&header, locked_block.block().header()) { warn!(target: "client", "Stage 5 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e); return Err(()); } Ok(locked_block) } /// Import a block with transaction receipts. /// /// The block is guaranteed to be the next best blocks in the /// first block sequence. Does no sealing or transaction validation. fn import_old_block(&self, header: &Header, block_bytes: &[u8], receipts_bytes: &[u8], db: &KeyValueDB, chain: &BlockChain) -> Result { let receipts = ::rlp::decode_list(receipts_bytes); let hash = header.hash(); let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock(); { trace_time!("import_old_block"); // verify the block, passing the chain for updating the epoch verifier. let mut rng = OsRng::new().map_err(UtilError::from)?; self.ancient_verifier.verify(&mut rng, &header, &chain)?; // Commit results let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); chain.insert_unordered_block(&mut batch, block_bytes, receipts, None, false, true); // Final commit to the DB db.write_buffered(batch); chain.commit(); } db.flush().expect("DB flush failed."); Ok(hash) } // NOTE: the header of the block passed here is not necessarily sealed, as // it is for reconstructing the state transition. // // The header passed is from the original block data and is sealed. fn commit_block(&self, block: B, header: &Header, block_data: &[u8], client: &Client) -> ImportRoute where B: IsBlock + Drain { let hash = &header.hash(); let number = header.number(); let parent = header.parent_hash(); let chain = client.chain.read(); // Commit results let receipts = block.receipts().to_owned(); let traces = block.traces().clone().drain(); assert_eq!(header.hash(), view!(BlockView, block_data).header_view().hash()); //let traces = From::from(block.traces().clone().unwrap_or_else(Vec::new)); let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); let ancestry_actions = self.engine.ancestry_actions(block.block(), &mut chain.ancestry_with_metadata_iter(*parent)); let best_hash = chain.best_block_hash(); let metadata = block.block().metadata().map(Into::into); let is_finalized = block.block().is_finalized(); let new = ExtendedHeader { header: header.clone(), is_finalized: is_finalized, metadata: metadata, parent_total_difficulty: chain.block_details(&parent).expect("Parent block is in the database; qed").total_difficulty }; let best = { let hash = best_hash; let header = chain.block_header_data(&hash) .expect("Best block is in the database; qed") .decode() .expect("Stored block header is valid RLP; qed"); let details = chain.block_details(&hash) .expect("Best block is in the database; qed"); ExtendedHeader { parent_total_difficulty: details.total_difficulty - *header.difficulty(), is_finalized: details.is_finalized, metadata: details.metadata, header: header, } }; let route = chain.tree_route(best_hash, *parent).expect("forks are only kept when it has common ancestors; tree route from best to prospective's parent always exists; qed"); let fork_choice = if route.is_from_route_finalized { ForkChoice::Old } else { self.engine.fork_choice(&new, &best) }; // CHECK! I *think* this is fine, even if the state_root is equal to another // already-imported block of the same number. // TODO: Prove it with a test. let mut state = block.drain(); // check epoch end signal, potentially generating a proof on the current // state. self.check_epoch_end_signal( &header, block_data, &receipts, &state, &chain, &mut batch, client ); state.journal_under(&mut batch, number, hash).expect("DB commit failed"); for ancestry_action in ancestry_actions { let AncestryAction::MarkFinalized(ancestry) = ancestry_action; chain.mark_finalized(&mut batch, ancestry).expect("Engine's ancestry action must be known blocks; qed"); } let route = chain.insert_block(&mut batch, block_data, receipts.clone(), ExtrasInsert { fork_choice: fork_choice, is_finalized: is_finalized, metadata: new.metadata, }); client.tracedb.read().import(&mut batch, TraceImportRequest { traces: traces.into(), block_hash: hash.clone(), block_number: number, enacted: route.enacted.clone(), retracted: route.retracted.len() }); let is_canon = route.enacted.last().map_or(false, |h| h == hash); state.sync_cache(&route.enacted, &route.retracted, is_canon); // Final commit to the DB client.db.read().write_buffered(batch); chain.commit(); self.check_epoch_end(&header, &chain, client); client.update_last_hashes(&parent, hash); if let Err(e) = client.prune_ancient(state, &chain) { warn!("Failed to prune ancient state data: {}", e); } route } // check for epoch end signal and write pending transition if it occurs. // state for the given block must be available. fn check_epoch_end_signal( &self, header: &Header, block_bytes: &[u8], receipts: &[Receipt], state_db: &StateDB, chain: &BlockChain, batch: &mut DBTransaction, client: &Client, ) { use engines::EpochChange; let hash = header.hash(); let auxiliary = ::machine::AuxiliaryData { bytes: Some(block_bytes), receipts: Some(&receipts), }; match self.engine.signals_epoch_end(header, auxiliary) { EpochChange::Yes(proof) => { use engines::epoch::PendingTransition; use engines::Proof; let proof = match proof { Proof::Known(proof) => proof, Proof::WithState(with_state) => { let env_info = EnvInfo { number: header.number(), author: header.author().clone(), timestamp: header.timestamp(), difficulty: header.difficulty().clone(), last_hashes: client.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()), gas_used: U256::default(), gas_limit: u64::max_value().into(), }; let call = move |addr, data| { let mut state_db = state_db.boxed_clone(); let backend = ::state::backend::Proving::new(state_db.as_hashdb_mut()); let transaction = client.contract_call_tx(BlockId::Hash(*header.parent_hash()), addr, data); let mut state = State::from_existing( backend, header.state_root().clone(), self.engine.account_start_nonce(header.number()), client.factories.clone(), ).expect("state known to be available for just-imported block; qed"); let options = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing().dont_check_nonce(); let res = Executive::new(&mut state, &env_info, self.engine.machine()) .transact(&transaction, options); let res = match res { Err(ExecutionError::Internal(e)) => Err(format!("Internal error: {}", e)), Err(e) => { trace!(target: "client", "Proved call failed: {}", e); Ok((Vec::new(), state.drop().1.extract_proof())) } Ok(res) => Ok((res.output, state.drop().1.extract_proof())), }; res.map(|(output, proof)| (output, proof.into_iter().map(|x| x.into_vec()).collect())) }; match with_state.generate_proof(&call) { Ok(proof) => proof, Err(e) => { warn!(target: "client", "Failed to generate transition proof for block {}: {}", hash, e); warn!(target: "client", "Snapshots produced by this client may be incomplete"); Vec::new() } } } }; debug!(target: "client", "Block {} signals epoch end.", hash); let pending = PendingTransition { proof: proof }; chain.insert_pending_transition(batch, hash, pending); }, EpochChange::No => {}, EpochChange::Unsure(_) => { warn!(target: "client", "Detected invalid engine implementation."); warn!(target: "client", "Engine claims to require more block data, but everything provided."); } } } // check for ending of epoch and write transition if it occurs. fn check_epoch_end<'a>(&self, header: &'a Header, chain: &BlockChain, client: &Client) { let is_epoch_end = self.engine.is_epoch_end( header, &(|hash| client.block_header_decoded(BlockId::Hash(hash))), &(|hash| chain.get_pending_transition(hash)), // TODO: limit to current epoch. ); if let Some(proof) = is_epoch_end { debug!(target: "client", "Epoch transition at block {}", header.hash()); let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); chain.insert_epoch_transition(&mut batch, header.number(), EpochTransition { block_hash: header.hash(), block_number: header.number(), proof: proof, }); // always write the batch directly since epoch transition proofs are // fetched from a DB iterator and DB iterators are only available on // flushed data. client.db.read().write(batch).expect("DB flush failed"); } } } impl Client { /// Create a new client with given parameters. /// The database is assumed to have been initialized with the correct columns. pub fn new( config: ClientConfig, spec: &Spec, db: Arc, miner: Arc, message_channel: IoChannel, ) -> Result, ::error::Error> { let trie_spec = match config.fat_db { true => TrieSpec::Fat, false => TrieSpec::Secure, }; let trie_factory = TrieFactory::new(trie_spec); let factories = Factories { vm: VmFactory::new(config.vm_type.clone(), config.jump_table_size), trie: trie_factory, accountdb: Default::default(), }; let journal_db = journaldb::new(db.clone(), config.pruning, ::db::COL_STATE); let mut state_db = StateDB::new(journal_db, config.state_cache_size); if state_db.journal_db().is_empty() { // Sets the correct state root. state_db = spec.ensure_db_good(state_db, &factories)?; let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); state_db.journal_under(&mut batch, 0, &spec.genesis_header().hash())?; db.write(batch).map_err(ClientError::Database)?; } let gb = spec.genesis_block(); let chain = Arc::new(BlockChain::new(config.blockchain.clone(), &gb, db.clone())); let tracedb = RwLock::new(TraceDB::new(config.tracing.clone(), db.clone(), chain.clone())); trace!("Cleanup journal: DB Earliest = {:?}, Latest = {:?}", state_db.journal_db().earliest_era(), state_db.journal_db().latest_era()); let history = if config.history < MIN_HISTORY_SIZE { info!(target: "client", "Ignoring pruning history parameter of {}\ , falling back to minimum of {}", config.history, MIN_HISTORY_SIZE); MIN_HISTORY_SIZE } else { config.history }; if !chain.block_header_data(&chain.best_block_hash()).map_or(true, |h| state_db.journal_db().contains(&h.state_root())) { warn!("State root not found for block #{} ({:x})", chain.best_block_number(), chain.best_block_hash()); } let engine = spec.engine.clone(); let awake = match config.mode { Mode::Dark(..) | Mode::Off => false, _ => true }; let importer = Importer::new(&config, engine.clone(), message_channel.clone(), miner)?; let registrar_address = engine.additional_params().get("registrar").and_then(|s| Address::from_str(s).ok()); if let Some(ref addr) = registrar_address { trace!(target: "client", "Found registrar at {}", addr); } let client = Arc::new(Client { enabled: AtomicBool::new(true), sleep_state: Mutex::new(SleepState::new(awake)), liveness: AtomicBool::new(awake), mode: Mutex::new(config.mode.clone()), chain: RwLock::new(chain), tracedb: tracedb, engine: engine, pruning: config.pruning.clone(), config: config, db: RwLock::new(db), state_db: RwLock::new(state_db), report: RwLock::new(Default::default()), io_channel: Mutex::new(message_channel), notify: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), queue_transactions: IoChannelQueue::new(MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE), queue_ancient_blocks: IoChannelQueue::new(MAX_ANCIENT_BLOCKS_QUEUE_SIZE), queue_consensus_message: IoChannelQueue::new(usize::max_value()), last_hashes: RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()), factories: factories, history: history, on_user_defaults_change: Mutex::new(None), registrar: registry::Registry::default(), registrar_address, exit_handler: Mutex::new(None), importer, }); // prune old states. { let state_db = client.state_db.read().boxed_clone(); let chain = client.chain.read(); client.prune_ancient(state_db, &chain)?; } // ensure genesis epoch proof in the DB. { let chain = client.chain.read(); let gh = spec.genesis_header(); if chain.epoch_transition(0, gh.hash()).is_none() { trace!(target: "client", "No genesis transition found."); let proof = client.with_proving_caller( BlockId::Number(0), |call| client.engine.genesis_epoch_data(&gh, call) ); let proof = match proof { Ok(proof) => proof, Err(e) => { warn!(target: "client", "Error generating genesis epoch data: {}. Snapshots generated may not be complete.", e); Vec::new() } }; debug!(target: "client", "Obtained genesis transition proof: {:?}", proof); let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); chain.insert_epoch_transition(&mut batch, 0, EpochTransition { block_hash: gh.hash(), block_number: 0, proof: proof, }); client.db.read().write_buffered(batch); } } // ensure buffered changes are flushed. client.db.read().flush().map_err(ClientError::Database)?; Ok(client) } /// Wakes up client if it's a sleep. pub fn keep_alive(&self) { let should_wake = match *self.mode.lock() { Mode::Dark(..) | Mode::Passive(..) => true, _ => false, }; if should_wake { self.wake_up(); (*self.sleep_state.lock()).last_activity = Some(Instant::now()); } } /// Adds an actor to be notified on certain events pub fn add_notify(&self, target: Arc) { self.notify.write().push(Arc::downgrade(&target)); } /// Set a closure to call when the client wants to be restarted. /// /// The parameter passed to the callback is the name of the new chain spec to use after /// the restart. pub fn set_exit_handler(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(String) + 'static + Send { *self.exit_handler.lock() = Some(Box::new(f)); } /// Returns engine reference. pub fn engine(&self) -> &EthEngine { &*self.engine } fn notify(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&ChainNotify) { for np in &*self.notify.read() { if let Some(n) = np.upgrade() { f(&*n); } } } /// Register an action to be done if a mode/spec_name change happens. pub fn on_user_defaults_change(&self, f: F) where F: 'static + FnMut(Option) + Send { *self.on_user_defaults_change.lock() = Some(Box::new(f)); } /// Flush the block import queue. pub fn flush_queue(&self) { self.importer.block_queue.flush(); while !self.importer.block_queue.queue_info().is_empty() { self.import_verified_blocks(); } } /// The env info as of the best block. pub fn latest_env_info(&self) -> EnvInfo { self.env_info(BlockId::Latest).expect("Best block header always stored; qed") } /// The env info as of a given block. /// returns `None` if the block unknown. pub fn env_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { self.block_header(id).map(|header| { EnvInfo { number: header.number(), author: header.author(), timestamp: header.timestamp(), difficulty: header.difficulty(), last_hashes: self.build_last_hashes(&header.parent_hash()), gas_used: U256::default(), gas_limit: header.gas_limit(), } }) } fn build_last_hashes(&self, parent_hash: &H256) -> Arc { { let hashes = self.last_hashes.read(); if hashes.front().map_or(false, |h| h == parent_hash) { let mut res = Vec::from(hashes.clone()); res.resize(256, H256::default()); return Arc::new(res); } } let mut last_hashes = LastHashes::new(); last_hashes.resize(256, H256::default()); last_hashes[0] = parent_hash.clone(); let chain = self.chain.read(); for i in 0..255 { match chain.block_details(&last_hashes[i]) { Some(details) => { last_hashes[i + 1] = details.parent.clone(); }, None => break, } } let mut cached_hashes = self.last_hashes.write(); *cached_hashes = VecDeque::from(last_hashes.clone()); Arc::new(last_hashes) } /// This is triggered by a message coming from a block queue when the block is ready for insertion pub fn import_verified_blocks(&self) -> usize { self.importer.import_verified_blocks(self) } // use a state-proving closure for the given block. fn with_proving_caller(&self, id: BlockId, with_call: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(&::machine::Call) -> T { let call = |a, d| { let tx = self.contract_call_tx(id, a, d); let (result, items) = self.prove_transaction(tx, id) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Unable to make call. State unavailable?"))?; let items = items.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_vec()).collect(); Ok((result, items)) }; with_call(&call) } // prune ancient states until below the memory limit or only the minimum amount remain. fn prune_ancient(&self, mut state_db: StateDB, chain: &BlockChain) -> Result<(), ClientError> { let number = match state_db.journal_db().latest_era() { Some(n) => n, None => return Ok(()), }; // prune all ancient eras until we're below the memory target, // but have at least the minimum number of states. loop { let needs_pruning = state_db.journal_db().is_pruned() && state_db.journal_db().journal_size() >= self.config.history_mem; if !needs_pruning { break } match state_db.journal_db().earliest_era() { Some(era) if era + self.history <= number => { trace!(target: "client", "Pruning state for ancient era {}", era); match chain.block_hash(era) { Some(ancient_hash) => { let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); state_db.mark_canonical(&mut batch, era, &ancient_hash)?; self.db.read().write_buffered(batch); state_db.journal_db().flush(); } None => debug!(target: "client", "Missing expected hash for block {}", era), } } _ => break, // means that every era is kept, no pruning necessary. } } Ok(()) } fn update_last_hashes(&self, parent: &H256, hash: &H256) { let mut hashes = self.last_hashes.write(); if hashes.front().map_or(false, |h| h == parent) { if hashes.len() > 255 { hashes.pop_back(); } hashes.push_front(hash.clone()); } } /// Get shared miner reference. #[cfg(test)] pub fn miner(&self) -> Arc { self.importer.miner.clone() } /// Replace io channel. Useful for testing. pub fn set_io_channel(&self, io_channel: IoChannel) { *self.io_channel.lock() = io_channel; } /// Get a copy of the best block's state. pub fn latest_state(&self) -> State { let header = self.best_block_header(); State::from_existing( self.state_db.read().boxed_clone_canon(&header.hash()), *header.state_root(), self.engine.account_start_nonce(header.number()), self.factories.clone() ) .expect("State root of best block header always valid.") } /// Attempt to get a copy of a specific block's final state. /// /// This will not fail if given BlockId::Latest. /// Otherwise, this can fail (but may not) if the DB prunes state or the block /// is unknown. pub fn state_at(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option> { // fast path for latest state. match id.clone() { BlockId::Latest => return Some(self.latest_state()), _ => {}, } let block_number = match self.block_number(id) { Some(num) => num, None => return None, }; self.block_header(id).and_then(|header| { let db = self.state_db.read().boxed_clone(); // early exit for pruned blocks if db.is_pruned() && self.pruning_info().earliest_state > block_number { return None; } let root = header.state_root(); State::from_existing(db, root, self.engine.account_start_nonce(block_number), self.factories.clone()).ok() }) } /// Attempt to get a copy of a specific block's beginning state. /// /// This will not fail if given BlockId::Latest. /// Otherwise, this can fail (but may not) if the DB prunes state. pub fn state_at_beginning(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option> { match self.block_number(id) { None | Some(0) => None, Some(n) => self.state_at(BlockId::Number(n - 1)), } } /// Get a copy of the best block's state. pub fn state(&self) -> Box { Box::new(self.latest_state()) as Box<_> } /// Get info on the cache. pub fn blockchain_cache_info(&self) -> BlockChainCacheSize { self.chain.read().cache_size() } /// Get the report. pub fn report(&self) -> ClientReport { let mut report = self.report.read().clone(); report.state_db_mem = self.state_db.read().mem_used(); report } /// Tick the client. // TODO: manage by real events. pub fn tick(&self, prevent_sleep: bool) { self.check_garbage(); if !prevent_sleep { self.check_snooze(); } } fn check_garbage(&self) { self.chain.read().collect_garbage(); self.importer.block_queue.collect_garbage(); self.tracedb.read().collect_garbage(); } fn check_snooze(&self) { let mode = self.mode.lock().clone(); match mode { Mode::Dark(timeout) => { let mut ss = self.sleep_state.lock(); if let Some(t) = ss.last_activity { if Instant::now() > t + timeout { self.sleep(); ss.last_activity = None; } } } Mode::Passive(timeout, wakeup_after) => { let mut ss = self.sleep_state.lock(); let now = Instant::now(); if let Some(t) = ss.last_activity { if now > t + timeout { self.sleep(); ss.last_activity = None; ss.last_autosleep = Some(now); } } if let Some(t) = ss.last_autosleep { if now > t + wakeup_after { self.wake_up(); ss.last_activity = Some(now); ss.last_autosleep = None; } } } _ => {} } } /// Take a snapshot at the given block. /// If the ID given is "latest", this will default to 1000 blocks behind. pub fn take_snapshot(&self, writer: W, at: BlockId, p: &snapshot::Progress) -> Result<(), EthcoreError> { let db = self.state_db.read().journal_db().boxed_clone(); let best_block_number = self.chain_info().best_block_number; let block_number = self.block_number(at).ok_or(snapshot::Error::InvalidStartingBlock(at))?; if db.is_pruned() && self.pruning_info().earliest_state > block_number { return Err(snapshot::Error::OldBlockPrunedDB.into()); } let history = ::std::cmp::min(self.history, 1000); let start_hash = match at { BlockId::Latest => { let start_num = match db.earliest_era() { Some(era) => ::std::cmp::max(era, best_block_number.saturating_sub(history)), None => best_block_number.saturating_sub(history), }; match self.block_hash(BlockId::Number(start_num)) { Some(h) => h, None => return Err(snapshot::Error::InvalidStartingBlock(at).into()), } } _ => match self.block_hash(at) { Some(hash) => hash, None => return Err(snapshot::Error::InvalidStartingBlock(at).into()), }, }; snapshot::take_snapshot(&*self.engine, &self.chain.read(), start_hash, db.as_hashdb(), writer, p)?; Ok(()) } /// Ask the client what the history parameter is. pub fn pruning_history(&self) -> u64 { self.history } fn block_hash(chain: &BlockChain, id: BlockId) -> Option { match id { BlockId::Hash(hash) => Some(hash), BlockId::Number(number) => chain.block_hash(number), BlockId::Earliest => chain.block_hash(0), BlockId::Latest => Some(chain.best_block_hash()), } } fn transaction_address(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option { match id { TransactionId::Hash(ref hash) => self.chain.read().transaction_address(hash), TransactionId::Location(id, index) => Self::block_hash(&self.chain.read(), id).map(|hash| TransactionAddress { block_hash: hash, index: index, }) } } fn wake_up(&self) { if !self.liveness.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) { self.liveness.store(true, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed); self.notify(|n| n.start()); info!(target: "mode", "wake_up: Waking."); } } fn sleep(&self) { if self.liveness.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) { // only sleep if the import queue is mostly empty. if self.queue_info().total_queue_size() <= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_SLEEP_ON { self.liveness.store(false, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed); self.notify(|n| n.stop()); info!(target: "mode", "sleep: Sleeping."); } else { info!(target: "mode", "sleep: Cannot sleep - syncing ongoing."); // TODO: Consider uncommenting. //(*self.sleep_state.lock()).last_activity = Some(Instant::now()); } } } // transaction for calling contracts from services like engine. // from the null sender, with 50M gas. fn contract_call_tx(&self, block_id: BlockId, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> SignedTransaction { let from = Address::default(); Transaction { nonce: self.nonce(&from, block_id).unwrap_or_else(|| self.engine.account_start_nonce(0)), action: Action::Call(address), gas: U256::from(50_000_000), gas_price: U256::default(), value: U256::default(), data: data, }.fake_sign(from) } fn do_virtual_call( machine: &::machine::EthereumMachine, env_info: &EnvInfo, state: &mut State, t: &SignedTransaction, analytics: CallAnalytics, ) -> Result { fn call( state: &mut State, env_info: &EnvInfo, machine: &::machine::EthereumMachine, state_diff: bool, transaction: &SignedTransaction, options: TransactOptions, ) -> Result, CallError> where T: trace::Tracer, V: trace::VMTracer, { let options = options .dont_check_nonce() .save_output_from_contract(); let original_state = if state_diff { Some(state.clone()) } else { None }; let mut ret = Executive::new(state, env_info, machine).transact_virtual(transaction, options)?; if let Some(original) = original_state { ret.state_diff = Some(state.diff_from(original).map_err(ExecutionError::from)?); } Ok(ret) } let state_diff = analytics.state_diffing; match (analytics.transaction_tracing, analytics.vm_tracing) { (true, true) => call(state, env_info, machine, state_diff, t, TransactOptions::with_tracing_and_vm_tracing()), (true, false) => call(state, env_info, machine, state_diff, t, TransactOptions::with_tracing()), (false, true) => call(state, env_info, machine, state_diff, t, TransactOptions::with_vm_tracing()), (false, false) => call(state, env_info, machine, state_diff, t, TransactOptions::with_no_tracing()), } } fn block_number_ref(&self, id: &BlockId) -> Option { match *id { BlockId::Number(number) => Some(number), BlockId::Hash(ref hash) => self.chain.read().block_number(hash), BlockId::Earliest => Some(0), BlockId::Latest => Some(self.chain.read().best_block_number()), } } /// Retrieve a decoded header given `BlockId` /// /// This method optimizes access patterns for latest block header /// to avoid excessive RLP encoding, decoding and hashing. fn block_header_decoded(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option
{ match id { BlockId::Latest => Some(self.chain.read().best_block_header()), BlockId::Hash(ref hash) if hash == &self.chain.read().best_block_hash() => Some(self.chain.read().best_block_header()), BlockId::Number(number) if number == self.chain.read().best_block_number() => Some(self.chain.read().best_block_header()), _ => self.block_header(id).and_then(|h| h.decode().ok()) } } } impl snapshot::DatabaseRestore for Client { /// Restart the client with a new backend fn restore_db(&self, new_db: &str) -> Result<(), EthcoreError> { trace!(target: "snapshot", "Replacing client database with {:?}", new_db); let _import_lock = self.importer.import_lock.lock(); let mut state_db = self.state_db.write(); let mut chain = self.chain.write(); let mut tracedb = self.tracedb.write(); self.importer.miner.clear(); let db = self.db.write(); db.restore(new_db)?; let cache_size = state_db.cache_size(); *state_db = StateDB::new(journaldb::new(db.clone(), self.pruning, ::db::COL_STATE), cache_size); *chain = Arc::new(BlockChain::new(self.config.blockchain.clone(), &[], db.clone())); *tracedb = TraceDB::new(self.config.tracing.clone(), db.clone(), chain.clone()); Ok(()) } } impl Nonce for Client { fn nonce(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option { self.state_at(id).and_then(|s| s.nonce(address).ok()) } } impl Balance for Client { fn balance(&self, address: &Address, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option { match state { StateOrBlock::State(s) => s.balance(address).ok(), StateOrBlock::Block(id) => self.state_at(id).and_then(|s| s.balance(address).ok()) } } } impl AccountData for Client {} impl ChainInfo for Client { fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo { let mut chain_info = self.chain.read().chain_info(); chain_info.pending_total_difficulty = chain_info.total_difficulty + self.importer.block_queue.total_difficulty(); chain_info } } impl BlockInfo for Client { fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<::encoded::Header> { let chain = self.chain.read(); Self::block_hash(&chain, id).and_then(|hash| chain.block_header_data(&hash)) } fn best_block_header(&self) -> Header { self.chain.read().best_block_header() } fn block(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { let chain = self.chain.read(); Self::block_hash(&chain, id).and_then(|hash| chain.block(&hash)) } fn code_hash(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option { self.state_at(id).and_then(|s| s.code_hash(address).ok()) } } impl TransactionInfo for Client { fn transaction_block(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option { self.transaction_address(id).map(|addr| addr.block_hash) } } impl BlockChainTrait for Client {} impl RegistryInfo for Client { fn registry_address(&self, name: String, block: BlockId) -> Option
{ let address = self.registrar_address?; self.registrar.functions() .get_address() .call(keccak(name.as_bytes()), "A", &|data| self.call_contract(block, address, data)) .ok() .and_then(|a| if a.is_zero() { None } else { Some(a) }) } } impl CallContract for Client { fn call_contract(&self, block_id: BlockId, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> Result { let state_pruned = || CallError::StatePruned.to_string(); let state = &mut self.state_at(block_id).ok_or_else(&state_pruned)?; let header = self.block_header_decoded(block_id).ok_or_else(&state_pruned)?; let transaction = self.contract_call_tx(block_id, address, data); self.call(&transaction, Default::default(), state, &header) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) .map(|executed| executed.output) } } impl ImportBlock for Client { fn import_block(&self, bytes: Bytes) -> Result { use verification::queue::kind::BlockLike; use verification::queue::kind::blocks::Unverified; // create unverified block here so the `keccak` calculation can be cached. let unverified = Unverified::from_rlp(bytes)?; { if self.chain.read().is_known(&unverified.hash()) { bail!(BlockImportErrorKind::Import(ImportErrorKind::AlreadyInChain)); } let status = self.block_status(BlockId::Hash(unverified.parent_hash())); if status == BlockStatus::Unknown || status == BlockStatus::Pending { bail!(BlockImportErrorKind::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(unverified.parent_hash()))); } } Ok(self.importer.block_queue.import(unverified)?) } } impl StateClient for Client { type State = State<::state_db::StateDB>; fn latest_state(&self) -> Self::State { Client::latest_state(self) } fn state_at(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { Client::state_at(self, id) } } impl Call for Client { type State = State<::state_db::StateDB>; fn call(&self, transaction: &SignedTransaction, analytics: CallAnalytics, state: &mut Self::State, header: &Header) -> Result { let env_info = EnvInfo { number: header.number(), author: header.author().clone(), timestamp: header.timestamp(), difficulty: header.difficulty().clone(), last_hashes: self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()), gas_used: U256::default(), gas_limit: U256::max_value(), }; let machine = self.engine.machine(); Self::do_virtual_call(&machine, &env_info, state, transaction, analytics) } fn call_many(&self, transactions: &[(SignedTransaction, CallAnalytics)], state: &mut Self::State, header: &Header) -> Result, CallError> { let mut env_info = EnvInfo { number: header.number(), author: header.author().clone(), timestamp: header.timestamp(), difficulty: header.difficulty().clone(), last_hashes: self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()), gas_used: U256::default(), gas_limit: U256::max_value(), }; let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(transactions.len()); let machine = self.engine.machine(); for &(ref t, analytics) in transactions { let ret = Self::do_virtual_call(machine, &env_info, state, t, analytics)?; env_info.gas_used = ret.cumulative_gas_used; results.push(ret); } Ok(results) } fn estimate_gas(&self, t: &SignedTransaction, state: &Self::State, header: &Header) -> Result { let (mut upper, max_upper, env_info) = { let init = *header.gas_limit(); let max = init * U256::from(10); let env_info = EnvInfo { number: header.number(), author: header.author().clone(), timestamp: header.timestamp(), difficulty: header.difficulty().clone(), last_hashes: self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()), gas_used: U256::default(), gas_limit: max, }; (init, max, env_info) }; let sender = t.sender(); let options = || TransactOptions::with_tracing().dont_check_nonce(); let cond = |gas| { let mut tx = t.as_unsigned().clone(); tx.gas = gas; let tx = tx.fake_sign(sender); let mut clone = state.clone(); Ok(Executive::new(&mut clone, &env_info, self.engine.machine()) .transact_virtual(&tx, options()) .map(|r| r.exception.is_none()) .unwrap_or(false)) }; if !cond(upper)? { upper = max_upper; if !cond(upper)? { trace!(target: "estimate_gas", "estimate_gas failed with {}", upper); let err = ExecutionError::Internal(format!("Requires higher than upper limit of {}", upper)); return Err(err.into()) } } let lower = t.gas_required(&self.engine.schedule(env_info.number)).into(); if cond(lower)? { trace!(target: "estimate_gas", "estimate_gas succeeded with {}", lower); return Ok(lower) } /// Find transition point between `lower` and `upper` where `cond` changes from `false` to `true`. /// Returns the lowest value between `lower` and `upper` for which `cond` returns true. /// We assert: `cond(lower) = false`, `cond(upper) = true` fn binary_chop(mut lower: U256, mut upper: U256, mut cond: F) -> Result where F: FnMut(U256) -> Result { while upper - lower > 1.into() { let mid = (lower + upper) / 2.into(); trace!(target: "estimate_gas", "{} .. {} .. {}", lower, mid, upper); let c = cond(mid)?; match c { true => upper = mid, false => lower = mid, }; trace!(target: "estimate_gas", "{} => {} .. {}", c, lower, upper); } Ok(upper) } // binary chop to non-excepting call with gas somewhere between 21000 and block gas limit trace!(target: "estimate_gas", "estimate_gas chopping {} .. {}", lower, upper); binary_chop(lower, upper, cond) } } impl EngineInfo for Client { fn engine(&self) -> &EthEngine { Client::engine(self) } } impl BlockChainClient for Client { fn replay(&self, id: TransactionId, analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result { let address = self.transaction_address(id).ok_or(CallError::TransactionNotFound)?; let block = BlockId::Hash(address.block_hash); const PROOF: &'static str = "The transaction address contains a valid index within block; qed"; Ok(self.replay_block_transactions(block, analytics)?.nth(address.index).expect(PROOF)) } fn replay_block_transactions(&self, block: BlockId, analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result>, CallError> { let mut env_info = self.env_info(block).ok_or(CallError::StatePruned)?; let body = self.block_body(block).ok_or(CallError::StatePruned)?; let mut state = self.state_at_beginning(block).ok_or(CallError::StatePruned)?; let txs = body.transactions(); let engine = self.engine.clone(); const PROOF: &'static str = "Transactions fetched from blockchain; blockchain transactions are valid; qed"; const EXECUTE_PROOF: &'static str = "Transaction replayed; qed"; Ok(Box::new(txs.into_iter() .map(move |t| { let t = SignedTransaction::new(t).expect(PROOF); let machine = engine.machine(); let x = Self::do_virtual_call(machine, &env_info, &mut state, &t, analytics).expect(EXECUTE_PROOF); env_info.gas_used = env_info.gas_used + x.gas_used; x }))) } fn mode(&self) -> IpcMode { let r = self.mode.lock().clone().into(); trace!(target: "mode", "Asked for mode = {:?}. returning {:?}", &*self.mode.lock(), r); r } fn disable(&self) { self.set_mode(IpcMode::Off); self.enabled.store(false, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed); self.clear_queue(); } fn set_mode(&self, new_mode: IpcMode) { trace!(target: "mode", "Client::set_mode({:?})", new_mode); if !self.enabled.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) { return; } { let mut mode = self.mode.lock(); *mode = new_mode.clone().into(); trace!(target: "mode", "Mode now {:?}", &*mode); if let Some(ref mut f) = *self.on_user_defaults_change.lock() { trace!(target: "mode", "Making callback..."); f(Some((&*mode).clone())) } } match new_mode { IpcMode::Active => self.wake_up(), IpcMode::Off => self.sleep(), _ => {(*self.sleep_state.lock()).last_activity = Some(Instant::now()); } } } fn spec_name(&self) -> String { self.config.spec_name.clone() } fn set_spec_name(&self, new_spec_name: String) { trace!(target: "mode", "Client::set_spec_name({:?})", new_spec_name); if !self.enabled.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) { return; } if let Some(ref h) = *self.exit_handler.lock() { (*h)(new_spec_name); } else { warn!("Not hypervised; cannot change chain."); } } fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { self.block_number_ref(&id) } fn block_body(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { let chain = self.chain.read(); Self::block_hash(&chain, id).and_then(|hash| chain.block_body(&hash)) } fn block_status(&self, id: BlockId) -> BlockStatus { let chain = self.chain.read(); match Self::block_hash(&chain, id) { Some(ref hash) if chain.is_known(hash) => BlockStatus::InChain, Some(hash) => self.importer.block_queue.status(&hash).into(), None => BlockStatus::Unknown } } fn block_total_difficulty(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { let chain = self.chain.read(); Self::block_hash(&chain, id).and_then(|hash| chain.block_details(&hash)).map(|d| d.total_difficulty) } fn storage_root(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option { self.state_at(id).and_then(|s| s.storage_root(address).ok()).and_then(|x| x) } fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { let chain = self.chain.read(); Self::block_hash(&chain, id) } fn code(&self, address: &Address, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option> { let result = match state { StateOrBlock::State(s) => s.code(address).ok(), StateOrBlock::Block(id) => self.state_at(id).and_then(|s| s.code(address).ok()) }; // Converting from `Option>>` to `Option>` result.map(|c| c.map(|c| (&*c).clone())) } fn storage_at(&self, address: &Address, position: &H256, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option { match state { StateOrBlock::State(s) => s.storage_at(address, position).ok(), StateOrBlock::Block(id) => self.state_at(id).and_then(|s| s.storage_at(address, position).ok()) } } fn list_accounts(&self, id: BlockId, after: Option<&Address>, count: u64) -> Option> { if !self.factories.trie.is_fat() { trace!(target: "fatdb", "list_accounts: Not a fat DB"); return None; } let state = match self.state_at(id) { Some(state) => state, _ => return None, }; let (root, db) = state.drop(); let trie = match self.factories.trie.readonly(db.as_hashdb(), &root) { Ok(trie) => trie, _ => { trace!(target: "fatdb", "list_accounts: Couldn't open the DB"); return None; } }; let mut iter = match trie.iter() { Ok(iter) => iter, _ => return None, }; if let Some(after) = after { if let Err(e) = iter.seek(after) { trace!(target: "fatdb", "list_accounts: Couldn't seek the DB: {:?}", e); } } let accounts = iter.filter_map(|item| { item.ok().map(|(addr, _)| Address::from_slice(&addr)) }).take(count as usize).collect(); Some(accounts) } fn list_storage(&self, id: BlockId, account: &Address, after: Option<&H256>, count: u64) -> Option> { if !self.factories.trie.is_fat() { trace!(target: "fatdb", "list_stroage: Not a fat DB"); return None; } let state = match self.state_at(id) { Some(state) => state, _ => return None, }; let root = match state.storage_root(account) { Ok(Some(root)) => root, _ => return None, }; let (_, db) = state.drop(); let account_db = self.factories.accountdb.readonly(db.as_hashdb(), keccak(account)); let trie = match self.factories.trie.readonly(account_db.as_hashdb(), &root) { Ok(trie) => trie, _ => { trace!(target: "fatdb", "list_storage: Couldn't open the DB"); return None; } }; let mut iter = match trie.iter() { Ok(iter) => iter, _ => return None, }; if let Some(after) = after { if let Err(e) = iter.seek(after) { trace!(target: "fatdb", "list_accounts: Couldn't seek the DB: {:?}", e); } } let keys = iter.filter_map(|item| { item.ok().map(|(key, _)| H256::from_slice(&key)) }).take(count as usize).collect(); Some(keys) } fn transaction(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option { self.transaction_address(id).and_then(|address| self.chain.read().transaction(&address)) } fn uncle(&self, id: UncleId) -> Option { let index = id.position; self.block_body(id.block).and_then(|body| body.view().uncle_rlp_at(index)) .map(encoded::Header::new) } fn transaction_receipt(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option { let chain = self.chain.read(); self.transaction_address(id) .and_then(|address| chain.block_number(&address.block_hash).and_then(|block_number| { let transaction = chain.block_body(&address.block_hash) .and_then(|body| body.view().localized_transaction_at(&address.block_hash, block_number, address.index)); let previous_receipts = (0..address.index + 1) .map(|index| { let mut address = address.clone(); address.index = index; chain.transaction_receipt(&address) }) .collect(); match (transaction, previous_receipts) { (Some(transaction), Some(previous_receipts)) => { Some(transaction_receipt(self.engine().machine(), transaction, previous_receipts)) }, _ => None, } })) } fn tree_route(&self, from: &H256, to: &H256) -> Option { let chain = self.chain.read(); match chain.is_known(from) && chain.is_known(to) { true => chain.tree_route(from.clone(), to.clone()), false => None } } fn find_uncles(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option> { self.chain.read().find_uncle_hashes(hash, self.engine.maximum_uncle_age()) } fn state_data(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option { self.state_db.read().journal_db().state(hash) } fn block_receipts(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option { self.chain.read().block_receipts(hash).map(|receipts| ::rlp::encode(&receipts).into_vec()) } fn queue_info(&self) -> BlockQueueInfo { self.importer.block_queue.queue_info() } fn clear_queue(&self) { self.importer.block_queue.clear(); } fn additional_params(&self) -> BTreeMap { self.engine.additional_params().into_iter().collect() } fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Vec { // Wrap the logic inside a closure so that we can take advantage of question mark syntax. let fetch_logs = || { let chain = self.chain.read(); // First, check whether `filter.from_block` and `filter.to_block` is on the canon chain. If so, we can use the // optimized version. let is_canon = |id| { match id { // If it is referred by number, then it is always on the canon chain. &BlockId::Earliest | &BlockId::Latest | &BlockId::Number(_) => true, // If it is referred by hash, we see whether a hash -> number -> hash conversion gives us the same // result. &BlockId::Hash(ref hash) => chain.is_canon(hash), } }; let blocks = if is_canon(&filter.from_block) && is_canon(&filter.to_block) { // If we are on the canon chain, use bloom filter to fetch required hashes. let from = self.block_number_ref(&filter.from_block)?; let to = self.block_number_ref(&filter.to_block)?; filter.bloom_possibilities().iter() .map(|bloom| { chain.blocks_with_bloom(bloom, from, to) }) .flat_map(|m| m) // remove duplicate elements .collect::>() .into_iter() .filter_map(|n| chain.block_hash(n)) .collect::>() } else { // Otherwise, we use a slower version that finds a link between from_block and to_block. let from_hash = Self::block_hash(&chain, filter.from_block)?; let from_number = chain.block_number(&from_hash)?; let to_hash = Self::block_hash(&chain, filter.from_block)?; let blooms = filter.bloom_possibilities(); let bloom_match = |header: &encoded::Header| { blooms.iter().any(|bloom| header.log_bloom().contains_bloom(bloom)) }; let (blocks, last_hash) = { let mut blocks = Vec::new(); let mut current_hash = to_hash; loop { let header = chain.block_header_data(¤t_hash)?; if bloom_match(&header) { blocks.push(current_hash); } // Stop if `from` block is reached. if header.number() <= from_number { break; } current_hash = header.parent_hash(); } blocks.reverse(); (blocks, current_hash) }; // Check if we've actually reached the expected `from` block. if last_hash != from_hash || blocks.is_empty() { return None; } blocks }; Some(self.chain.read().logs(blocks, |entry| filter.matches(entry), filter.limit)) }; fetch_logs().unwrap_or_default() } fn filter_traces(&self, filter: TraceFilter) -> Option> { if !self.tracedb.read().tracing_enabled() { return None; } let start = self.block_number(filter.range.start)?; let end = self.block_number(filter.range.end)?; let db_filter = trace::Filter { range: start as usize..end as usize, from_address: filter.from_address.into(), to_address: filter.to_address.into(), }; let traces = self.tracedb.read() .filter(&db_filter) .into_iter() .skip(filter.after.unwrap_or(0)) .take(filter.count.unwrap_or(usize::max_value())) .collect(); Some(traces) } fn trace(&self, trace: TraceId) -> Option { if !self.tracedb.read().tracing_enabled() { return None; } let trace_address = trace.address; self.transaction_address(trace.transaction) .and_then(|tx_address| { self.block_number(BlockId::Hash(tx_address.block_hash)) .and_then(|number| self.tracedb.read().trace(number, tx_address.index, trace_address)) }) } fn transaction_traces(&self, transaction: TransactionId) -> Option> { if !self.tracedb.read().tracing_enabled() { return None; } self.transaction_address(transaction) .and_then(|tx_address| { self.block_number(BlockId::Hash(tx_address.block_hash)) .and_then(|number| self.tracedb.read().transaction_traces(number, tx_address.index)) }) } fn block_traces(&self, block: BlockId) -> Option> { if !self.tracedb.read().tracing_enabled() { return None; } self.block_number(block) .and_then(|number| self.tracedb.read().block_traces(number)) } fn last_hashes(&self) -> LastHashes { (*self.build_last_hashes(&self.chain.read().best_block_hash())).clone() } fn ready_transactions(&self) -> Vec> { self.importer.miner.ready_transactions(self) } fn signing_chain_id(&self) -> Option { self.engine.signing_chain_id(&self.latest_env_info()) } fn block_extra_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option> { self.block_header_decoded(id) .map(|header| self.engine.extra_info(&header)) } fn uncle_extra_info(&self, id: UncleId) -> Option> { self.uncle(id) .and_then(|h| { h.decode().map(|dh| { self.engine.extra_info(&dh) }).ok() }) } fn pruning_info(&self) -> PruningInfo { PruningInfo { earliest_chain: self.chain.read().first_block_number().unwrap_or(1), earliest_state: self.state_db.read().journal_db().earliest_era().unwrap_or(0), } } fn transact_contract(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> Result<(), transaction::Error> { let authoring_params = self.importer.miner.authoring_params(); let transaction = Transaction { nonce: self.latest_nonce(&authoring_params.author), action: Action::Call(address), gas: self.importer.miner.sensible_gas_limit(), gas_price: self.importer.miner.sensible_gas_price(), value: U256::zero(), data: data, }; let chain_id = self.engine.signing_chain_id(&self.latest_env_info()); let signature = self.engine.sign(transaction.hash(chain_id)) .map_err(|e| transaction::Error::InvalidSignature(e.to_string()))?; let signed = SignedTransaction::new(transaction.with_signature(signature, chain_id))?; self.importer.miner.import_own_transaction(self, signed.into()) } fn registrar_address(&self) -> Option
{ self.registrar_address.clone() } fn eip86_transition(&self) -> u64 { self.engine().params().eip86_transition } } impl IoClient for Client { fn queue_transactions(&self, transactions: Vec, peer_id: usize) { let len = transactions.len(); self.queue_transactions.queue(&mut self.io_channel.lock(), len, move |client| { trace_time!("import_queued_transactions"); let txs: Vec = transactions .iter() .filter_map(|bytes| client.engine.decode_transaction(bytes).ok()) .collect(); client.notify(|notify| { notify.transactions_received(&txs, peer_id); }); client.importer.miner.import_external_transactions(client, txs); }).unwrap_or_else(|e| { debug!(target: "client", "Ignoring {} transactions: {}", len, e); }); } fn queue_ancient_block(&self, block_bytes: Bytes, receipts_bytes: Bytes) -> Result { let header: Header = ::rlp::Rlp::new(&block_bytes).val_at(0)?; let hash = header.hash(); { // check block order if self.chain.read().is_known(&header.hash()) { bail!(BlockImportErrorKind::Import(ImportErrorKind::AlreadyInChain)); } let status = self.block_status(BlockId::Hash(*header.parent_hash())); if status == BlockStatus::Unknown || status == BlockStatus::Pending { bail!(BlockImportErrorKind::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(*header.parent_hash()))); } } match self.queue_ancient_blocks.queue(&mut self.io_channel.lock(), 1, move |client| { client.importer.import_old_block( &header, &block_bytes, &receipts_bytes, &**client.db.read(), &*client.chain.read() ).map(|_| ()).unwrap_or_else(|e| { error!(target: "client", "Error importing ancient block: {}", e); }); }) { Ok(_) => Ok(hash), Err(e) => bail!(BlockImportErrorKind::Other(format!("{}", e))), } } fn queue_consensus_message(&self, message: Bytes) { match self.queue_consensus_message.queue(&mut self.io_channel.lock(), 1, move |client| { if let Err(e) = client.engine().handle_message(&message) { debug!(target: "poa", "Invalid message received: {}", e); } }) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { debug!(target: "poa", "Ignoring the message, error queueing: {}", e); } } } } impl ReopenBlock for Client { fn reopen_block(&self, block: ClosedBlock) -> OpenBlock { let engine = &*self.engine; let mut block = block.reopen(engine); let max_uncles = engine.maximum_uncle_count(block.header().number()); if block.uncles().len() < max_uncles { let chain = self.chain.read(); let h = chain.best_block_hash(); // Add new uncles let uncles = chain .find_uncle_hashes(&h, engine.maximum_uncle_age()) .unwrap_or_else(Vec::new); for h in uncles { if !block.uncles().iter().any(|header| header.hash() == h) { let uncle = chain.block_header_data(&h).expect("find_uncle_hashes only returns hashes for existing headers; qed"); let uncle = uncle.decode().expect("decoding failure"); block.push_uncle(uncle).expect("pushing up to maximum_uncle_count; push_uncle is not ok only if more than maximum_uncle_count is pushed; so all push_uncle are Ok; qed"); if block.uncles().len() >= max_uncles { break } } } } block } } impl PrepareOpenBlock for Client { fn prepare_open_block(&self, author: Address, gas_range_target: (U256, U256), extra_data: Bytes) -> OpenBlock { let engine = &*self.engine; let chain = self.chain.read(); let best_header = chain.best_block_header(); let h = best_header.hash(); let is_epoch_begin = chain.epoch_transition(best_header.number(), h).is_some(); let mut open_block = OpenBlock::new( engine, self.factories.clone(), self.tracedb.read().tracing_enabled(), self.state_db.read().boxed_clone_canon(&h), &best_header, self.build_last_hashes(&h), author, gas_range_target, extra_data, is_epoch_begin, &mut chain.ancestry_with_metadata_iter(best_header.hash()), ).expect("OpenBlock::new only fails if parent state root invalid; state root of best block's header is never invalid; qed"); // Add uncles chain .find_uncle_headers(&h, engine.maximum_uncle_age()) .unwrap_or_else(Vec::new) .into_iter() .take(engine.maximum_uncle_count(open_block.header().number())) .foreach(|h| { open_block.push_uncle(h.decode().expect("decoding failure")).expect("pushing maximum_uncle_count; open_block was just created; push_uncle is not ok only if more than maximum_uncle_count is pushed; so all push_uncle are Ok; qed"); }); open_block } } impl BlockProducer for Client {} impl ScheduleInfo for Client { fn latest_schedule(&self) -> Schedule { self.engine.schedule(self.latest_env_info().number) } } impl ImportSealedBlock for Client { fn import_sealed_block(&self, block: SealedBlock) -> ImportResult { let h = block.header().hash(); let start = Instant::now(); let route = { // scope for self.import_lock let _import_lock = self.importer.import_lock.lock(); trace_time!("import_sealed_block"); let number = block.header().number(); let block_data = block.rlp_bytes(); let header = block.header().clone(); let route = self.importer.commit_block(block, &header, &block_data, self); trace!(target: "client", "Imported sealed block #{} ({})", number, h); self.state_db.write().sync_cache(&route.enacted, &route.retracted, false); route }; let route = ChainRoute::from([route].as_ref()); self.importer.miner.chain_new_blocks(self, &[h.clone()], &[], route.enacted(), route.retracted(), true); self.notify(|notify| { notify.new_blocks( vec![h.clone()], vec![], route.clone(), vec![h.clone()], vec![], start.elapsed(), ); }); self.db.read().flush().expect("DB flush failed."); Ok(h) } } impl BroadcastProposalBlock for Client { fn broadcast_proposal_block(&self, block: SealedBlock) { const DURATION_ZERO: Duration = Duration::from_millis(0); self.notify(|notify| { notify.new_blocks( vec![], vec![], ChainRoute::default(), vec![], vec![block.rlp_bytes()], DURATION_ZERO, ); }); } } impl SealedBlockImporter for Client {} impl ::miner::TransactionVerifierClient for Client {} impl ::miner::BlockChainClient for Client {} impl super::traits::EngineClient for Client { fn update_sealing(&self) { self.importer.miner.update_sealing(self) } fn submit_seal(&self, block_hash: H256, seal: Vec) { let import = self.importer.miner.submit_seal(block_hash, seal).and_then(|block| self.import_sealed_block(block)); if let Err(err) = import { warn!(target: "poa", "Wrong internal seal submission! {:?}", err); } } fn broadcast_consensus_message(&self, message: Bytes) { self.notify(|notify| notify.broadcast(ChainMessageType::Consensus(message.clone()))); } fn epoch_transition_for(&self, parent_hash: H256) -> Option<::engines::EpochTransition> { self.chain.read().epoch_transition_for(parent_hash) } fn as_full_client(&self) -> Option<&BlockChainClient> { Some(self) } fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option { BlockChainClient::block_number(self, id) } fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<::encoded::Header> { BlockChainClient::block_header(self, id) } } impl ProvingBlockChainClient for Client { fn prove_storage(&self, key1: H256, key2: H256, id: BlockId) -> Option<(Vec, H256)> { self.state_at(id) .and_then(move |state| state.prove_storage(key1, key2).ok()) } fn prove_account(&self, key1: H256, id: BlockId) -> Option<(Vec, ::types::basic_account::BasicAccount)> { self.state_at(id) .and_then(move |state| state.prove_account(key1).ok()) } fn prove_transaction(&self, transaction: SignedTransaction, id: BlockId) -> Option<(Bytes, Vec)> { let (header, mut env_info) = match (self.block_header(id), self.env_info(id)) { (Some(s), Some(e)) => (s, e), _ => return None, }; env_info.gas_limit = transaction.gas.clone(); let mut jdb = self.state_db.read().journal_db().boxed_clone(); state::prove_transaction( jdb.as_hashdb_mut(), header.state_root().clone(), &transaction, self.engine.machine(), &env_info, self.factories.clone(), false, ) } fn epoch_signal(&self, hash: H256) -> Option> { // pending transitions are never deleted, and do not contain // finality proofs by definition. self.chain.read().get_pending_transition(hash).map(|pending| pending.proof) } } impl Drop for Client { fn drop(&mut self) { self.engine.stop(); } } /// Returns `LocalizedReceipt` given `LocalizedTransaction` /// and a vector of receipts from given block up to transaction index. fn transaction_receipt(machine: &::machine::EthereumMachine, mut tx: LocalizedTransaction, mut receipts: Vec) -> LocalizedReceipt { assert_eq!(receipts.len(), tx.transaction_index + 1, "All previous receipts are provided."); let sender = tx.sender(); let receipt = receipts.pop().expect("Current receipt is provided; qed"); let prior_gas_used = match tx.transaction_index { 0 => 0.into(), i => receipts.get(i - 1).expect("All previous receipts are provided; qed").gas_used, }; let no_of_logs = receipts.into_iter().map(|receipt| receipt.logs.len()).sum::(); let transaction_hash = tx.hash(); let block_hash = tx.block_hash; let block_number = tx.block_number; let transaction_index = tx.transaction_index; LocalizedReceipt { transaction_hash: transaction_hash, transaction_index: transaction_index, block_hash: block_hash, block_number: block_number, cumulative_gas_used: receipt.gas_used, gas_used: receipt.gas_used - prior_gas_used, contract_address: match tx.action { Action::Call(_) => None, Action::Create => Some(contract_address(machine.create_address_scheme(block_number), &sender, &tx.nonce, &tx.data).0) }, logs: receipt.logs.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, log)| LocalizedLogEntry { entry: log, block_hash: block_hash, block_number: block_number, transaction_hash: transaction_hash, transaction_index: transaction_index, transaction_log_index: i, log_index: no_of_logs + i, }).collect(), log_bloom: receipt.log_bloom, outcome: receipt.outcome, } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn should_not_cache_details_before_commit() { use client::{BlockChainClient, ChainInfo}; use test_helpers::{generate_dummy_client, get_good_dummy_block_hash}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use kvdb::DBTransaction; use blockchain::ExtrasInsert; let client = generate_dummy_client(0); let genesis = client.chain_info().best_block_hash; let (new_hash, new_block) = get_good_dummy_block_hash(); let go = { // Separate thread uncommited transaction let go = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let go_thread = go.clone(); let another_client = client.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { let mut batch = DBTransaction::new(); another_client.chain.read().insert_block(&mut batch, &new_block, Vec::new(), ExtrasInsert { fork_choice: ::engines::ForkChoice::New, is_finalized: false, metadata: None, }); go_thread.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); }); go }; while !go.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { thread::park_timeout(Duration::from_millis(5)); } assert!(client.tree_route(&genesis, &new_hash).is_none()); } #[test] fn should_return_correct_log_index() { use hash::keccak; use super::transaction_receipt; use ethkey::KeyPair; use log_entry::{LogEntry, LocalizedLogEntry}; use receipt::{Receipt, LocalizedReceipt, TransactionOutcome}; use transaction::{Transaction, LocalizedTransaction, Action}; // given let key = KeyPair::from_secret_slice(&keccak("test")).unwrap(); let secret = key.secret(); let machine = ::ethereum::new_frontier_test_machine(); let block_number = 1; let block_hash = 5.into(); let state_root = 99.into(); let gas_used = 10.into(); let raw_tx = Transaction { nonce: 0.into(), gas_price: 0.into(), gas: 21000.into(), action: Action::Call(10.into()), value: 0.into(), data: vec![], }; let tx1 = raw_tx.clone().sign(secret, None); let transaction = LocalizedTransaction { signed: tx1.clone().into(), block_number: block_number, block_hash: block_hash, transaction_index: 1, cached_sender: Some(tx1.sender()), }; let logs = vec![LogEntry { address: 5.into(), topics: vec![], data: vec![], }, LogEntry { address: 15.into(), topics: vec![], data: vec![], }]; let receipts = vec![Receipt { outcome: TransactionOutcome::StateRoot(state_root), gas_used: 5.into(), log_bloom: Default::default(), logs: vec![logs[0].clone()], }, Receipt { outcome: TransactionOutcome::StateRoot(state_root), gas_used: gas_used, log_bloom: Default::default(), logs: logs.clone(), }]; // when let receipt = transaction_receipt(&machine, transaction, receipts); // then assert_eq!(receipt, LocalizedReceipt { transaction_hash: tx1.hash(), transaction_index: 1, block_hash: block_hash, block_number: block_number, cumulative_gas_used: gas_used, gas_used: gas_used - 5.into(), contract_address: None, logs: vec![LocalizedLogEntry { entry: logs[0].clone(), block_hash: block_hash, block_number: block_number, transaction_hash: tx1.hash(), transaction_index: 1, transaction_log_index: 0, log_index: 1, }, LocalizedLogEntry { entry: logs[1].clone(), block_hash: block_hash, block_number: block_number, transaction_hash: tx1.hash(), transaction_index: 1, transaction_log_index: 1, log_index: 2, }], log_bloom: Default::default(), outcome: TransactionOutcome::StateRoot(state_root), }); } } #[derive(Debug)] enum QueueError { Channel(IoError), Full(usize), } impl fmt::Display for QueueError { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { QueueError::Channel(ref c) => fmt::Display::fmt(c, fmt), QueueError::Full(limit) => write!(fmt, "The queue is full ({})", limit), } } } /// Queue some items to be processed by IO client. struct IoChannelQueue { currently_queued: Arc, limit: usize, } impl IoChannelQueue { pub fn new(limit: usize) -> Self { IoChannelQueue { currently_queued: Default::default(), limit, } } pub fn queue(&self, channel: &mut IoChannel, count: usize, fun: F) -> Result<(), QueueError> where F: Fn(&Client) + Send + Sync + 'static, { let queue_size = self.currently_queued.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed); ensure!(queue_size < self.limit, QueueError::Full(self.limit)); let currently_queued = self.currently_queued.clone(); let result = channel.send(ClientIoMessage::execute(move |client| { currently_queued.fetch_sub(count, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst); fun(client); })); match result { Ok(_) => { self.currently_queued.fetch_add(count, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst); Ok(()) }, Err(e) => Err(QueueError::Channel(e)), } } }