// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.
// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see .
//! EVM execution module for Substrate
// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
mod backend;
pub use crate::backend::{Account, Log, Vicinity, Backend};
use rstd::vec::Vec;
use support::{dispatch::Result, decl_module, decl_storage, decl_event};
use support::traits::{Currency, WithdrawReason, ExistenceRequirement};
use system::ensure_signed;
use sr_primitives::ModuleId;
use support::weights::SimpleDispatchInfo;
use sr_primitives::traits::{UniqueSaturatedInto, AccountIdConversion};
use primitives::{U256, H256, H160};
use evm::{ExitReason, ExitSucceed, ExitError};
use evm::executor::StackExecutor;
use evm::backend::ApplyBackend;
const MODULE_ID: ModuleId = ModuleId(*b"py/ethvm");
/// Type alias for currency balance.
pub type BalanceOf = <::Currency as Currency<::AccountId>>::Balance;
/// Trait that outputs the current transaction gas price.
pub trait FeeCalculator {
/// Return the current gas price.
fn gas_price() -> U256;
/// Trait for converting account ids of `balances` module into
/// `H160` for EVM module.
/// Accounts and contracts of this module are stored in its own
/// storage, in an Ethereum-compatible format. In order to communicate
/// with the rest of Substrate module, we require an one-to-one
/// mapping of Substrate account to Ethereum address.
pub trait ConvertAccountId {
/// Given a Substrate address, return the corresponding Ethereum address.
fn convert_account_id(account_id: &A) -> H160;
/// Custom precompiles to be used by EVM engine.
pub trait Precompiles {
/// Try to execute the code address as precompile. If the code address is not
/// a precompile or the precompile is not yet available, return `None`.
/// Otherwise, calculate the amount of gas needed with given `input` and
/// `target_gas`. Return `Some(Ok(status, output, gas_used))` if the execution
/// is successful. Otherwise return `Some(Err(_))`.
fn execute(
address: H160,
input: &[u8],
target_gas: Option
) -> Option, usize), ExitError>>;
impl Precompiles for () {
fn execute(
_address: H160,
_input: &[u8],
_target_gas: Option
) -> Option, usize), ExitError>> {
/// EVM module trait
pub trait Trait: system::Trait + timestamp::Trait {
/// Calculator for current gas price.
type FeeCalculator: FeeCalculator;
/// Convert account ID to H160;
type ConvertAccountId: ConvertAccountId;
/// Currency type for deposit and withdraw.
type Currency: Currency;
/// The overarching event type.
type Event: From + Into<::Event>;
/// Precompiles associated with this EVM engine.
type Precompiles: Precompiles;
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module as Example {
Accounts get(fn accounts) config(): map H160 => Account;
AccountCodes: map H160 => Vec;
AccountStorages: double_map H160, blake2_256(H256) => H256;
/// EVM events
pub enum Event {
/// Ethereum events from contracts.
decl_module! {
pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
fn deposit_event() = default;
#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(10_000)]
fn deposit_balance(origin, value: BalanceOf) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let imbalance = T::Currency::withdraw(
T::Currency::resolve_creating(&Self::account_id(), imbalance);
let bvalue = U256::from(UniqueSaturatedInto::::unique_saturated_into(value));
let address = T::ConvertAccountId::convert_account_id(&sender);
Accounts::mutate(&address, |account| {
account.balance += bvalue;
#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(10_000)]
fn withdraw_balance(origin, value: BalanceOf) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let address = T::ConvertAccountId::convert_account_id(&sender);
let bvalue = U256::from(UniqueSaturatedInto::::unique_saturated_into(value));
let mut account = Accounts::get(&address);
account.balance = account.balance.checked_sub(bvalue)
.ok_or("Not enough balance to withdraw")?;
let imbalance = T::Currency::withdraw(
Accounts::insert(&address, account);
T::Currency::resolve_creating(&sender, imbalance);
#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(10_000)]
fn call(origin, target: H160, input: Vec, value: U256, gas_limit: u32) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let source = T::ConvertAccountId::convert_account_id(&sender);
let gas_price = T::FeeCalculator::gas_price();
let vicinity = Vicinity {
origin: source,
let mut backend = Backend::::new(&vicinity);
let mut executor = StackExecutor::new_with_precompile(
gas_limit as usize,
let total_fee = gas_price.checked_mul(U256::from(gas_limit))
.ok_or("Calculating total fee overflowed")?;
if Accounts::get(&source).balance <
value.checked_add(total_fee).ok_or("Calculating total payment overflowed")?
return Err("Not enough balance to pay transaction fee")
executor.withdraw(source, total_fee).map_err(|_| "Withdraw fee failed")?;
let reason = executor.transact_call(
gas_limit as usize,
let ret = match reason {
ExitReason::Succeed(_) => Ok(()),
ExitReason::Error(_) => Err("Execute message call failed"),
ExitReason::Revert(_) => Err("Execute message call reverted"),
ExitReason::Fatal(_) => Err("Execute message call returned VM fatal error"),
let actual_fee = executor.fee(gas_price);
executor.deposit(source, total_fee.saturating_sub(actual_fee));
let (values, logs) = executor.deconstruct();
backend.apply(values, logs, true);
#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(10_000)]
fn create(origin, init: Vec, value: U256, gas_limit: u32) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let source = T::ConvertAccountId::convert_account_id(&sender);
let gas_price = T::FeeCalculator::gas_price();
let vicinity = Vicinity {
origin: source,
let mut backend = Backend::::new(&vicinity);
let mut executor = StackExecutor::new_with_precompile(
gas_limit as usize,
let total_fee = gas_price.checked_mul(U256::from(gas_limit))
.ok_or("Calculating total fee overflowed")?;
if Accounts::get(&source).balance <
value.checked_add(total_fee).ok_or("Calculating total payment overflowed")?
return Err("Not enough balance to pay transaction fee")
executor.withdraw(source, total_fee).map_err(|_| "Withdraw fee failed")?;
let reason = executor.transact_create(
gas_limit as usize,
let ret = match reason {
ExitReason::Succeed(_) => Ok(()),
ExitReason::Error(_) => Err("Execute contract creation failed"),
ExitReason::Revert(_) => Err("Execute contract creation reverted"),
ExitReason::Fatal(_) => Err("Execute contract creation returned VM fatal error"),
let actual_fee = executor.fee(gas_price);
executor.deposit(source, total_fee.saturating_sub(actual_fee));
let (values, logs) = executor.deconstruct();
backend.apply(values, logs, true);
impl Module {
/// The account ID of the EVM module.
/// This actually does computation. If you need to keep using it, then make sure you cache the
/// value and only call this once.
pub fn account_id() -> T::AccountId {
/// Check whether an account is empty.
pub fn is_account_empty(address: &H160) -> bool {
let account = Accounts::get(address);
let code_len = AccountCodes::decode_len(address).unwrap_or(0);
account.nonce == U256::zero() &&
account.balance == U256::zero() &&
code_len == 0
/// Remove an account if its empty.
pub fn remove_account_if_empty(address: &H160) {
if Self::is_account_empty(address) {
/// Remove an account from state.
fn remove_account(address: &H160) {