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// Copyright 2018-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
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// This file is part of Substrate.
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// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

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// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.
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//! Substrate chain configurations.
use primitives::{ed25519::Public as AuthorityId, ed25519, sr25519, Pair, crypto::UncheckedInto};
use node_primitives::AccountId;
use node_runtime::{ConsensusConfig, CouncilSeatsConfig, CouncilVotingConfig, DemocracyConfig,
	SessionConfig, StakingConfig, StakerStatus, TimestampConfig, BalancesConfig, TreasuryConfig,
	SudoConfig, ContractConfig, GrandpaConfig, IndicesConfig, Permill, Perbill};
pub use node_runtime::GenesisConfig;
use substrate_service;
use substrate_telemetry::TelemetryEndpoints;
const STAGING_TELEMETRY_URL: &str = "wss://";

/// Specialized `ChainSpec`.
pub type ChainSpec = substrate_service::ChainSpec<GenesisConfig>;

/// Flaming Fir testnet generator
pub fn flaming_fir_config() -> Result<ChainSpec, String> {

fn staging_testnet_config_genesis() -> GenesisConfig {
	// stash, controller, session-key
	// generated with secret:
	// for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do for j in stash controller; do subkey inspect "$secret"/fir/$j/$i; done; done
	// for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do for j in session; do subkey --ed25519 inspect "$secret"//fir//$j//$i; done; done
	let initial_authorities: Vec<(AccountId, AccountId, AuthorityId)> = vec![(
		hex!["9c7a2ee14e565db0c69f78c7b4cd839fbf52b607d867e9e9c5a79042898a0d12"].unchecked_into(), // 5Fbsd6WXDGiLTxunqeK5BATNiocfCqu9bS1yArVjCgeBLkVy
		hex!["781ead1e2fa9ccb74b44c19d29cb2a7a4b5be3972927ae98cd3877523976a276"].unchecked_into(), // 5EnCiV7wSHeNhjW3FSUwiJNkcc2SBkPLn5Nj93FmbLtBjQUq
		hex!["9becad03e6dcac03cee07edebca5475314861492cdfc96a2144a67bbe9699332"].unchecked_into(), // 5Fb9ayurnxnaXj56CjmyQLBiadfRCqUbL2VWNbbe1nZU6wiC
		hex!["68655684472b743e456907b398d3a44c113f189e56d1bbfd55e889e295dfde78"].unchecked_into(), // 5ERawXCzCWkjVq3xz1W5KGNtVx2VdefvZ62Bw1FEuZW4Vny2
		hex!["c8dc79e36b29395413399edaec3e20fcca7205fb19776ed8ddb25d6f427ec40e"].unchecked_into(), // 5Gc4vr42hH1uDZc93Nayk5G7i687bAQdHHc9unLuyeawHipF
		hex!["7932cff431e748892fa48e10c63c17d30f80ca42e4de3921e641249cd7fa3c2f"].unchecked_into(), // 5EockCXN6YkiNCDjpqqnbcqd4ad35nU4RmA1ikM4YeRN4WcE
		hex!["547ff0ab649283a7ae01dbc2eb73932eba2fb09075e9485ff369082a2ff38d65"].unchecked_into(), // 5DyVtKWPidondEu8iHZgi6Ffv9yrJJ1NDNLom3X9cTDi98qp
		hex!["9e42241d7cd91d001773b0b616d523dd80e13c6c2cab860b1234ef1b9ffc1526"].unchecked_into(), // 5FeD54vGVNpFX3PndHPXJ2MDakc462vBCD5mgtWRnWYCpZU9
		hex!["5633b70b80a6c8bb16270f82cca6d56b27ed7b76c8fd5af2986a25a4788ce440"].unchecked_into(), // 5E1jLYfLdUQKrFrtqoKgFrRvxM3oQPMbf6DfcsrugZZ5Bn8d
		hex!["f26cdb14b5aec7b2789fd5ca80f979cef3761897ae1f37ffb3e154cbcc1c2663"].unchecked_into(), // 5HYZnKWe5FVZQ33ZRJK1rG3WaLMztxWrrNDb1JRwaHHVWyP9
		hex!["66bc1e5d275da50b72b15de072a2468a5ad414919ca9054d2695767cf650012f"].unchecked_into(), // 5EPQdAQ39WQNLCRjWsCk5jErsCitHiY5ZmjfWzzbXDoAoYbn
		hex!["3919132b851ef0fd2dae42a7e734fe547af5a6b809006100f48944d7fae8e8ef"].unchecked_into(), // 5DMa31Hd5u1dwoRKgC4uvqyrdK45RHv3CpwvpUC1EzuwDit4

	// generated with secret: subkey inspect "$secret"/fir
	let endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId> = vec![
		hex!["9ee5e5bdc0ec239eb164f865ecc345ce4c88e76ee002e0f7e318097347471809"].unchecked_into(), // 5Ff3iXP75ruzroPWRP2FYBHWnmGGBSb63857BgnzCoXNxfPo
	const MILLICENTS: u128 = 1_000_000_000;
	const CENTS: u128 = 1_000 * MILLICENTS;    // assume this is worth about a cent.
	const DOLLARS: u128 = 100 * CENTS;

	const SECS_PER_BLOCK: u64 = 6;
	const MINUTES: u64 = 60 / SECS_PER_BLOCK;
	const HOURS: u64 = MINUTES * 60;
	const DAYS: u64 = HOURS * 24;

	const ENDOWMENT: u128 = 10_000_000 * DOLLARS;
	const STASH: u128 = 100 * DOLLARS;

	GenesisConfig {
		consensus: Some(ConsensusConfig {
			code: include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/node_runtime.compact.wasm").to_vec(),    // FIXME change once we have #1252
			authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.2.clone()).collect(),
		system: None,
		balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
			transaction_base_fee: 1 * CENTS,
			transaction_byte_fee: 10 * MILLICENTS,
			balances: endowed_accounts.iter().cloned()
				.map(|k| (k, ENDOWMENT))
				.chain(initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), STASH)))
			existential_deposit: 1 * DOLLARS,
			transfer_fee: 1 * CENTS,
			creation_fee: 1 * CENTS,
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			vesting: vec![],
		indices: Some(IndicesConfig {
			ids: endowed_accounts.iter().cloned()
				.chain(initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.0.clone()))
		session: Some(SessionConfig {
			validators: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
			session_length: 5 * MINUTES,
			keys: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.1.clone(), x.2.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
		staking: Some(StakingConfig {
			current_era: 0,
			offline_slash: Perbill::from_billionths(1_000_000),
			session_reward: Perbill::from_billionths(2_065),
			validator_count: 7,
			sessions_per_era: 12,
			offline_slash_grace: 4,
			minimum_validator_count: 4,
			stakers: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator)).collect(),
			invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
		democracy: Some(DemocracyConfig {
			launch_period: 10 * MINUTES,    // 1 day per public referendum
			voting_period: 10 * MINUTES,    // 3 days to discuss & vote on an active referendum
			minimum_deposit: 50 * DOLLARS,    // 12000 as the minimum deposit for a referendum
			public_delay: 10 * MINUTES,
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			max_lock_periods: 6,
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		council_seats: Some(CouncilSeatsConfig {
			active_council: vec![],
			candidacy_bond: 10 * DOLLARS,
			voter_bond: 1 * DOLLARS,
			present_slash_per_voter: 1 * CENTS,
			carry_count: 6,
			presentation_duration: 1 * DAYS,
			approval_voting_period: 2 * DAYS,
			term_duration: 28 * DAYS,
			desired_seats: 0,
			inactive_grace_period: 1,    // one additional vote should go by before an inactive voter can be reaped.
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		council_voting: Some(CouncilVotingConfig {
			cooloff_period: 4 * DAYS,
			voting_period: 1 * DAYS,
			enact_delay_period: 0,
		timestamp: Some(TimestampConfig {
			minimum_period: SECS_PER_BLOCK / 2, // due to the nature of aura the slots are 2*period
		treasury: Some(TreasuryConfig {
			proposal_bond: Permill::from_percent(5),
			proposal_bond_minimum: 1 * DOLLARS,
			spend_period: 1 * DAYS,
			burn: Permill::from_percent(50),
		contract: Some(ContractConfig {
			signed_claim_handicap: 2,
			rent_byte_price: 4,
			rent_deposit_offset: 1000,
			storage_size_offset: 8,
			surcharge_reward: 150,
			tombstone_deposit: 16,
			transaction_base_fee: 1 * CENTS,
			transaction_byte_fee: 10 * MILLICENTS,
			transfer_fee: 1 * CENTS,
			creation_fee: 1 * CENTS,
			contract_fee: 1 * CENTS,
			call_base_fee: 1000,
			create_base_fee: 1000,
			gas_price: 1 * MILLICENTS,
			max_depth: 1024,
			block_gas_limit: 10_000_000,
			current_schedule: Default::default(),
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		sudo: Some(SudoConfig {
			key: endowed_accounts[0].clone(),
		grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
			authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.2.clone(), 1)).collect(),

/// Staging testnet config.
pub fn staging_testnet_config() -> ChainSpec {
	let boot_nodes = vec![];
		"Staging Testnet",
		Some(TelemetryEndpoints::new(vec![(STAGING_TELEMETRY_URL.to_string(), 0)])),
/// Helper function to generate AccountId from seed
pub fn get_account_id_from_seed(seed: &str) -> AccountId {
	sr25519::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", seed), None)
		.expect("static values are valid; qed")

/// Helper function to generate AuthorityId from seed
pub fn get_session_key_from_seed(seed: &str) -> AuthorityId {
	ed25519::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", seed), None)
		.expect("static values are valid; qed")
/// Helper function to generate stash, controller and session key from seed
pub fn get_authority_keys_from_seed(seed: &str) -> (AccountId, AccountId, AuthorityId) {
		get_account_id_from_seed(&format!("{}//stash", seed)),
/// Helper function to create GenesisConfig for testing
pub fn testnet_genesis(
	initial_authorities: Vec<(AccountId, AccountId, AuthorityId)>,
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	root_key: AccountId,
	endowed_accounts: Option<Vec<AccountId>>,
	enable_println: bool,
) -> GenesisConfig {
	let endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId> = endowed_accounts.unwrap_or_else(|| {

	const STASH: u128 = 1 << 20;
	const ENDOWMENT: u128 = 1 << 20;

	let mut contract_config = ContractConfig {
		signed_claim_handicap: 2,
		rent_byte_price: 4,
		rent_deposit_offset: 1000,
		storage_size_offset: 8,
		surcharge_reward: 150,
		tombstone_deposit: 16,
		transaction_base_fee: 1,
		transaction_byte_fee: 0,
		transfer_fee: 0,
		creation_fee: 0,
		contract_fee: 21,
		call_base_fee: 135,
		create_base_fee: 175,
		gas_price: 1,
		max_depth: 1024,
		block_gas_limit: 10_000_000,
		current_schedule: Default::default(),
	// this should only be enabled on development chains
	contract_config.current_schedule.enable_println = enable_println;

	GenesisConfig {
		consensus: Some(ConsensusConfig {
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			code: include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/node_runtime.compact.wasm").to_vec(),
			authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.2.clone()).collect(),
		indices: Some(IndicesConfig {
			ids: endowed_accounts.clone(),
		balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
			transaction_base_fee: 1,
			transaction_byte_fee: 0,
			existential_deposit: 500,
			transfer_fee: 0,
			creation_fee: 0,
			balances: endowed_accounts.iter().map(|k| (k.clone(), ENDOWMENT)).collect(),
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			vesting: vec![],
		session: Some(SessionConfig {
			validators: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
			session_length: 10,
			keys: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.1.clone(), x.2.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
		staking: Some(StakingConfig {
			current_era: 0,
			minimum_validator_count: 1,
			validator_count: 2,
			sessions_per_era: 5,
			offline_slash: Perbill::zero(),
			session_reward: Perbill::zero(),
			current_session_reward: 0,
			offline_slash_grace: 0,
			stakers: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator)).collect(),
			invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
		democracy: Some(DemocracyConfig {
			launch_period: 9,
			voting_period: 18,
			minimum_deposit: 10,
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			max_lock_periods: 6,
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		council_seats: Some(CouncilSeatsConfig {
			active_council: endowed_accounts.iter()
				.filter(|&endowed| initial_authorities.iter().find(|&(_, controller, _)| controller == endowed).is_none())
				.map(|a| (a.clone(), 1000000)).collect(),
			candidacy_bond: 10,
			voter_bond: 2,
			present_slash_per_voter: 1,
			carry_count: 4,
			presentation_duration: 10,
			approval_voting_period: 20,
			term_duration: 1000000,
			desired_seats: (endowed_accounts.len() / 2 - initial_authorities.len()) as u32,
			inactive_grace_period: 1,
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		council_voting: Some(CouncilVotingConfig {
			cooloff_period: 75,
			voting_period: 20,
			enact_delay_period: 0,
		timestamp: Some(TimestampConfig {
			minimum_period: 2,                    // 2*2=4 second block time.
		treasury: Some(TreasuryConfig {
			proposal_bond: Permill::from_percent(5),
			proposal_bond_minimum: 1_000_000,
			spend_period: 12 * 60 * 24,
			burn: Permill::from_percent(50),
		contract: Some(contract_config),
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		sudo: Some(SudoConfig {
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			key: root_key,
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		grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
			authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.2.clone(), 1)).collect(),

fn development_config_genesis() -> GenesisConfig {

/// Development config (single validator Alice)
pub fn development_config() -> ChainSpec {
	ChainSpec::from_genesis("Development", "dev", development_config_genesis, vec![], None, None, None, None)

fn local_testnet_genesis() -> GenesisConfig {

/// Local testnet config (multivalidator Alice + Bob)
pub fn local_testnet_config() -> ChainSpec {
	ChainSpec::from_genesis("Local Testnet", "local_testnet", local_testnet_genesis, vec![], None, None, None, None)
mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use service_test;

	fn local_testnet_genesis_instant() -> GenesisConfig {
		let mut genesis = local_testnet_genesis();
		genesis.timestamp = Some(TimestampConfig { minimum_period: 1 });

	/// Local testnet config (multivalidator Alice + Bob)
	pub fn integration_test_config() -> ChainSpec {
		ChainSpec::from_genesis("Integration Test", "test", local_testnet_genesis_instant, vec![], None, None, None, None)
	fn test_connectivity() {